We clog the wardrobe with clothes or an article about Paypal


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In this article, I will tell you how to get yourself a piece of clothes for 2 years in advance, having only the spent logs of the PP or his brute account. The article is intended for beginners who do not understand AntiFraud PayPal at all.

What is required?
Log / brute PayPal 1 piece
Proxy 1 piece

You can buy logs, shoot from friends, take from the cloud. The main thing is that your log contains transactions, bindings and bindings.

Have you found the log yet? Then we take the proxy under the zip log, check the proxy on whoer.net, it should be 100%. Check proxy for scamalytics (fraud score must be 0).


We entered the log, we see that there are bindings and transes. Now poke around on the stick for a couple of minutes. You can put an avatar in your profile or change the nickname of the card, just warm up the log somehow. Just a little, 5 minutes.


Now go to Google and write Shein RU (you will beat yourself) yes, I'm crazy, but I don't care. Most likely, nothing will happen to you, I have done this many times and so do many of my friends from TG.


We went to the site, registered, confirmed the mail, added the address. Once this is done, change the currency (upper right corner) to dollars (if you have a user log, so more trust will be in the PayPal).
Next, just choose the clothes that you want to drive yourself, as if you are a real buyer, and be sure that this garbage will give you 100% because there is no fraud here at all. We poked about 15 minutes, looked at the clothes, closed the tab, and returned in 5 minutes to pay.


I have such a basket, we click to go to the payment (I recommend doing the first tranza up to $ 50, although there is fraud and miserable here)


Choosing Paypal


Gave a review, you are cool. We select the preferred cardholder card and pay. On the payment page, slow down a little for 10 seconds and pay. Do not pay attention to the fact that the PayPal says that the clothes will be shipped at the cardholder address, they will come to you.


They drove in, then we wait 15 minutes and make 150 dollars, then another 150 and until Security Check knocks out. Then delete the PayPal account. After about 3 days, Shane will receive a notification that the parcel is being sent to the airport. After that, be sure that your order is no longer deployed, practice shows that it is.

Thank you all for reading, I hope you will succeed. I will attach screenshots of past successful drives so that you do not think that I am deceiving you.

The next article will be about driving game keys with CC.

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Hi man wich IP need to use with paypal,i have internet from sim card,but in scamalytics look 50/100 fraud score,let me know