Social engineering. Programming of consciousness by distraction.


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Hello! We were all kids and we know how cool it was to catch the moment when mom / dad is watching TV. You can ask anything you want and get the cherished " yes " as an answer.

How did we manage to do this so easily?
Here we are talking about the redistribution of resources of the brain, which cannot maintain several functions in an active state at once.

For example, if you want to convince your friend of something that is very different from his opinion, it is very useful to distract him with other impressions while you explain your position to him.

You can sway a person's opinion in your favor if they are distracted by watching: TV series, talk shows, movies, and everything else that you can watch on our gadgets. After all, then the interlocutor's brain has to think about not only the information coming from you, but also visual (TV series/movie, and so on). So the brain can not allocate enough resources to search for weighty counterarguments, it can no longer.

We see a similar example in the old people's scam on the topic of relatives in road accidents. The caller pisses in his ears and keeps him on the line, because the old man needs to be distracted and drown out his critical thinking while the individual collects belongings for the "daughter".

So you can also use your phone to distract someone who buys through a fish site.

However, such distracting techniques are not always convenient to apply in practice. And if the object that distracts your attention is too noticeable, for example, a life story that doesn't relate to a particular situation, you run the risk of fucking up.

Therefore, you need to know the measure in everything, if your interlocutor buys a washing machine, telling a story about a TV series that has nothing to do with washing machines can be a fatal mistake.

Distraction is not difficult at all. It is enough to tell a real-life story that will be appropriate for this case and will confirm your words, for example: about the reliability of delivery, the importance of a new smartphone as a status indicator (for consumers), and so on.

There is a more sophisticated way to divert attention. Use unexpected words. When our brain hears something new, which it did not expect to hear, and which is unusual for it, a "stop signal" pops up, because of which our attention is completely focused on new information (we are shocked by the non-linearity and at the same time attracted). Asking yourself this question: "Stop, what else is this?".

I suggest you consider this example: A guy who sold mini muffins used the word "half muffins" as a distraction, using this method he managed to increase sales, and this word was followed by a phrase that formed a belief about the quality of cupcakes: "They are incredibly delicious!".

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is not enough to simply divert the client's thoughts from their chosen path, since you only create a "window" in which the brain can be influenced. For this technique to work, you must embed your message in the other person's mind about how good or cheap a certain product is, or how much that person needs it.

Choosing distraction can be a great way to make a person more prepared for outside influences. All you have to do is show the opinion that the mammoth/buyer should adhere to.