Selling software is expensive


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Hello! Have you ever asked yourself why some people spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on something that can be bought for $10? Why is Apple asking several times more for its products than its competitors? Why does a hotel room cost several thousand dollars a night?

Do not think that this is solely due to some incredibly unique advantages of the product, luck or a huge start-up capital of sellers. Because if you think that way, you're putting up barriers for yourself.

Regardless of whether you sell real products or digital ones, lux will always be in demand. The luxury market will never collapse, it will not face a recession, it will always exist and grow. At all times, there were rich people and those whose income is higher than the average. That is why "simple" workers have a whole bunch of opportunities.

Wealthier citizens are always willing to buy something unique. And if they like your product or service, they will immediately brag about it.
When I was engaged in phishing vk, I sold akki 18 + 100+ chicks for 149r. But there was such a character, Kinder, he generally pushed for 299-489r, and everyone bought it, it was strange.... now the secret is revealed!

My secret method of earning money on Lux​

I've been selling my own software for over a year now. At first, I planned to sell for $29.99, but then I set the price tag at $179 for one copy of the license. All my competitors sell analogs at prices ranging from $40 to $80. Over the past year, I've made more sales than some of my competitors have ever made.

Is there any significant difference in the software?
Nope. Most of the competitors software is almost exactly the same as mine. My creation doesn't have a single competitive technological advantage. Moreover, I came to the market with my development two years after analogues appeared there.

Did you have a large start-up capital for marketing?
No. And at the same time, I sold my product to virtually the same people as my competitors.

Then what's the secret?
The secret is that I created a "luxury offer" for my product.

My competitors were just selling software. And I wanted to give my customers a special treatment. And here's what I did:
  1. VIP support. I was available every day for more than 8 hours on Skype. Clients could ask me absolutely any questions about the software, my working methods, or my personal life… Any questions you want! I wasn't just some full-time tech support guy. I really gave them positive emotions and they felt it.
  2. Premium content. Most of my competitors don't have a "knowledge base" where users can learn something new. So I started blogging and screwed up 90% of the posts that only premium account users could read. I did not close the posts entirely, only important details. Therefore, any visitor could come and get acquainted with the materials. But instead of the most interesting thing, a picture was shown with an offer to buy premium.
Since I was just starting out, I didn't expect much effect from these steps. But I was firmly convinced that they would consistently bring me a couple of additional clients. However, the effect was explosive! It only took two simple steps to succeed.

Why the fuck are you asking for $179 for something that costs $70?!​

There were people who told me that “I'm asking too much”, "the price is too high”," too expensive”, blah blah blah… It only means that they can't afford it. If they want an exclusive service, a VIP product, then the payment must be appropriate.

I've never once regretted asking for so much. All my clients are extremely happy and spread information about my software like crazy. The bottom line is that people have enough money, they just don't have enough motivation to buy. Of course, there are poorer people who are looking for cheaper options, but you should not focus on them.

A lesson from the hotel industry​

I was reading an article from the Harvard Business Review the other day (source). It described how the company helps luxury hotels improve their service using Big Data. What caught my attention was that they are extremely effective at using information to increase sales and make their customers happier.

The article had the idea:
The computer can remind you of the client's birthday. But it won't tell you what to do with this information.
I really liked it. Because in the end, it always comes down to the little things that distinguish one product or service from another.

Now I try to implement these principles when working with my A/B testing system and optimizing the conversion rate. This applies not only to some visual effects, graphics, materials, but also to those things that most entrepreneurs miss. Everyone is so busy trying to get new customers, new investments, more sales, more money ... that they forget about the little things that are crucial.

If you make your client happy, they will tell their colleagues, friends, and family about you. His words will be 100 times more effective than any banner, ad, or spam email. When you learn to work in such a way that customers will recommend you, then your business will really start to grow. Word of mouth, simply put.

I hope this post will inspire someone to do great things. Yom tov!