ответы на самые распространенные вопросы


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Я не имею братьев и сестер, я являюсь единственный ребенок в семье.
I have no brothers and sisters, I am the only child in family.

Я никогда не была жената и нет детей!
I have been never married also I have no children.

Я русская!
I was born in Russia and I Russian.

Я христианин!
I visit church, not so frequently but I believe in
the god and I too the Christian.

я пью и не курю!
I drink seldom and only easy wine and I do not smoke.

I have finished trading college, but I could not get a job by my
education and consequently I work as the seller in a toy shop.
I studied within 5 years. But I hope in the future to study
still, to begin the trading manager.


зачем я ищу человека
I to search in the person for love and comprehension. The
relevant value to have fairness, as well as you to consider.
I to not like when to me lie and do not want to speak the truth.
Even if I already to know this truth. As most relevant in life I
to consider family!

Почему вы написать мне? (почему вы выбрать меня?)
I to not know, why I to decide to write to you. Likely it
is destiny has pushed my hand and I to decide to write to
you. I liked your structure on a service of acquaintances,
and heart has prompted me, that I should write to you. I to
not know and to not understand why I to write to you, it
is simple so I was prompted by my destiny.

обман в интернете
Yes I heard about such deceit when the girl marry the foreigner
to receive only to receive citizenship.
But I want to inform you that I I do not pity it I want will find
the man which to like me and which I shall like.
I want to create the family and to live by happy
life I hope you me understand.

Насколько хорошо вы знать английский язык?
I know English language not well enough. I can do small dialogue and
also write some phrases in English, therefore I should use the
interpreter write to you the messages. I hope during our dialogue I
shall learn better English language.

где изучали английский язык.
I studied English language at school and in college.

Возраст не беспокоит?
I do not worry that you are much more senior than me.
I to search for the mature man, which would be to wise and
scientific life. I like the men which is more senior than me
and can learn me to something in this short life. I to want
to connect destiny with the man of such age as you.

нет телефона
Unfortunately I have no the telephone.
I live in new area of city and the telephone line yet is not created.
Therefore we can not have communication on the phone.

Не имею телефона!
It is very a pity to me, but I have no phone because to have phone
very dearly and only very rich people presume to have phone of a house.
But I shall search for an opportunity to have conversation with you.
I very much want to hear your voice and if I can find phone that I
I shall necessarily inform to you!!! I use the Internet mine of the
girlfriend. I write letters of a house and I go to my girlfriend who
lives in the next house to receive your letters and to send you the
answer on the Internet.

я буду проюовать вызывать вас
I shall find an opportunity to cause you on the phone.
I want to speak with you and to hear your vote and your gentle words.

Я нашла телефон!!!
I have fine news, I can call to you in a weekend, on Sunday it will
be approximately at ...00 Moscow time, I hope that you will be there
are houses and to wait for my bell!!! I ask you to inform me your phone number.

Как с вами поговорить с помощью посыльного?
Unfortunately, I can not have a long output in the Internet because
I not access to the Internet at myself at home. I can not sit at the
girlfriend at job all the day, I to think, that I can not load
the bearer of dispatches, because I to not understand much in

Сразу встретиться не могу!!!
Probably we can meet in the future, but for the beginning it is
necessary for us to find out better. And after our dialogue we can think of our
meeting together.

была в америке
I never was in America, but I very much like to travel
and me it would be desirable to visit in America.

ВЫ планировать прибывать в США?
Yes I want to visit you and the USA, but I to think,
that to us still early to speak about it, you see we still
absolutely to not know almost each other.

Как долго вы планируете оставаться ?
I think that I can is with you within one month because this
time is limited to validity of my visa. But then I think to remain with you
it probably because I do not know as I I can live without you, you the unique
person who is necessary for me also I I can not without you. I every day think of you!
but probably we we do not want to part, I shall remain with
you and to live together with you. I hope that you want too most. You have very much
interested me in the letters all over again and then you have struck my heart with
the warm-heartedness and caress!!! And now I do not know why, but I was hard for me
without you really I want you and only you!!!!

Я буду оставаться у вас дома!
I think to stop at you a house because I want to find out where do you
live, all your interests, your relatives and friends. I hope you not against it!!!

как долго можете оставаться
I can remain with you approximately month,
term of my visa is designed for this time.

когда приедеш
I can arrive to you approximately in 10 days after I shall finish payment to agency and I shall receive the documents.

я буду жить с вами
I thought of a place of my residing in the future.
I want will live with the man which to like me and
which I shall like and for me there is no meaning
where this place will be I want to be happy.

Как вы относиться к тому, что я уже иметь детей?
Excuse me, that I to not write to you earlier concerning
children. I very much to like children and I normally to
fall into to that that you already to have children. I to
think, that I can them grow fond as, but I would like to
have children.

Я люблю детей!
I very much like children, I have no children, but in the future I
shall be glad to have children. I would like that kids ran on the
house and pleased parents. And when children will grow they will
please parents with the successes and to help the parents.
I want to have two children of the boy and the girl.
It seems to me that it is the biggest pleasure in life.

сколько детей вы хотите
I would like to have two children.
It was very well they could play together.
I want that it were the boy the girl and that first was the boy.
The ideas concerning it inform me.

Сколько было раньше мужчин и прошлые отношения
How many I had men earlier. I met only one person. But it was very bad!!!
It is hurt to me to tell to you about it because my former guy is a lot
of saws and when he was drunk he beat me. Likely therefore I do not want
to have what relations with Russian men!

домашние животные (золотые рыбки )
I want to tell to you that I I very like home animals. Most of all
I like gold fishes. I have 20 various kinds of gold fishes. I very
much like to look at them. It very much calms me after difficult day.

Я люблю есть!!!
I like Italian food, Pizza , and also I love steak and baked
potatoes. I like many different kinds of food, but I would say those
are my favorites. I like to work out.

Я люблю слушать!!!
I like various music, to me to like to listen to classical music,
rock-n-roll, POP, and much all another.

Я люблю смотреть!!!
I liked cartoon film Shrek I recently looked it at my girlfriend.
It is very interesting cartoon film.

Mine liked flowers are the roses, I very much like these flowers.
It is very beautiful and rebellious flowers. especially I like red roses.

любимый цвет
My liked colour is yellow, as colour of the sun.
I very much like all solar and warm.

любимое время года
My liked season is the spring. It is pleasant to me when all begins to blossom,
I very much like flowers.

моя религия
Concerning my religion. I support Christianity religion. I believe in the god, but unfortunately I can not often visit church, but when by it an opportunity I necessarily do it.

Принципиальные родители
Lovely, my parents are very basic and want to see your participation
on my trip too to be convinced of your serious intentions. They will
pay cost of the tickets in both parties, now help with cost of the
documents is necessary to me it is 750 dollars. My parents are afraid
to release me to the man, which they do not trust. Very much speak,
that the Russian women take away in other countries and they become
the slaves or prostitutes.

Почему разместили профиль и как
Sweet, I understand, that in America much speak, that many Russian
women and woman of other nationalities arrive in America to the men
only to receive citizenship, and then have divorce. But because of
such women we simple can not get acquainted with the serious men
and have happiness. I was disappointed by the Russian men and for
this reason has placed the structure in the Internet. The girlfriend
of my mum has helped me to place my structure, as the people from
Russia can not be placed there.

Что делаешь после работы
After work I usually go a little bit to have a rest home, then I prepare
for a supper for my parents, I very much like to prepare, I then I sometimes
walk with my girlfriend, and sometimes I go on a visit to my girlfriend, we
together well spend time, and it is pleasant to me.

Почему много денег на визу?
Lovely, the company of travels asks many money, as they give a
guarantee 90 %, that I shall have the visa, if they can not help me,
will return money. If not to use the companies, I can lose the money,
it will cost more cheaply really, but an opportunity to receive the
visa 10-20 % only. As it is difficult for receiving for the young

у меня нет интернета
I not access to the Internet at myself at home. I go to the girlfriend and from her I send you the messages.

Я плохо знаю компьютер!!!
I not so well understand a computer and after I have written to you the letter
I have wrongly sent you my old letter, I hope that you will understand it,
I shall study a computer I hope in the future to not do such mistakes.

Почему пишешь ночью?
I write to you in the evening after work but more cheaply to use the
Internet my girlfriend, sends my letters at night because I have no computer
and I use a computer of my girlfriend which lives near to me. The Internet
works not so well. I ask my girlfriend to send my letters when she can,
therefore my letters are sent late at night.

Не использовать обычную почту!!!
We have very bad paper mail. I am afraid, that your messages can not
reach me.

We has very bad paper mail in Russia. Please do not send me
anything. It will be pleasant to me to receive your gift at
our meeting.

Как родители смотрят на наше общение!!!

My parents are very glad, that I have met you, they think that you very good person,
it is very difficult to find such person as you!!! And they are happy because I am happy.
I think that my parents well concern to you because I already the adult person
and my mum very much trusts you!

I think that my parents can allow to travel to me to you because I already the adult
person and my mum very much trusts you!

At us now spring, the sun begins to shine very brightly
and to become very warmly, the nature departs after winter.
The time and my liked season is very wonderful.

The ring at me is on the left hand, in Russia of wedding rings carry on the right hand, at me it only ornament.

отвечаю не на все вопросы
????? You have set to me many questions, I now have not enough time
to answer all your questions, I shall answer your questions the
ambassador but if some questions are very important for you you can
to ask them once again.


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как бы дополнение :)

Хобби занятие?

Я люблю заниматься спортом зимой мы с подругами ходим на лыжах а летом делоем небольшие пробежки по стадиону.
Так же я регулярно посещаю треножорный зал что бы держать себя в форме.
Я очень люблю читать книги в тишине и в полном спокойствие особено мне нравяться романы.

Когда нибудь были за границей или в других городах?

Мой дорогой я не была за границей но я была во многих русских городах например Москва, Petersburg.
Это очень красивые города и они мне очень понравились. Но в них очень большая суета и очень много людей на улице.
Но мне там понравилось.
Хочешь иметь детей?

Мой дорогой каждая женщина хочет детей это моё мнение конечно я хочу иметь детей.
Но я хочу что бы это определила судьба сколько их будет и будудт они.
Мой дорогой я считаю что вы прекрасный мужчина для создания семейства и я хочу встретиться с вами
что бы мы могли иметь реальный диалог смотря друг другу в глаза.
Что носишь?

Я очень люблю ходить по магазинам и покупать вещи. Это любят все девушки.
Но я делаю это очень редко потому что у нас не позваляют деньги.
Я хожу в магазин один раз в месяц и делаю одну или две покупки.
Я очень люблю носить юбки и красивые платья. А так же я люблю красивые чулки.
Что ты делаешь в свободное время?

В свободное время я занимаюсь домашними делами. Или просто беру какую нибудь книгу обычно это роман и читаю лёжа на диване.
Иногда если на улице тепло я хожу на улицу и гуляю где ни будь в парке.А также я люблю смотреть фильмы мы с подругами берём
касеты на прокат и смотрим у кого нибудь с разной вкусной едой.
Каким спортом вы занимаетесь?

Летом с подругами мы делаем утреннии пребежки. Зимой каждые выходные мы ходим кататься на лыжах.
А так же я регулярно посещаю треножёрный спорт зал.
Почему ищешь человека за границей?

Я не доверяю русским мужчинам очень много русских мужчин пьют. Это очень плохо они становяться алкоголиками.
Я не хочу что бы мой муж был алкоголик. А в россии это неизбежно почти все мужчины пьют.

Работа за границей?

Я хочу закончить у вас какие нибудь курсы что бы иметь профессию.
А потом немедлено начинать работать.
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    неплохие дописки) да и за сайты благодарю заодно


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Добавим продолжение, кто еще дополнит?

Почему вы написать мне? (почему вы выбрать меня?)
I to not know, why I to decide to write to you. Likely it
is destiny has pushed my hand and I to decide to write to
you. I liked your structure on a service of acquaintances,
and heart has prompted me, that I should write to you. I to
not know and to not understand why I to write to you, it
is simple so I was prompted by my destiny.

Насколько хорошо вы знать английский язык?

I to know English language it is more less good. You see I
to study it at school and at university. Certainly he
is far from perfect, but I can more or less communicate in

Возраст не беспокоит?
Me to not irritate, that you to be more senior than me.
I to search for the mature man, which would be to wise and
scientific life. I like the men which is more senior than me
and can learn me to something in this short life. I to want
to connect destiny with the man of such age as you.

Как с вами поговорить с помощью посыльного?
Unfortunately, I to not have in the property the computer
and I can not sit in the Internet long. I can not sit at the
girlfriend at job all the day, I to think, that I can not load
the bearer of dispatches, because I to not understand much in

ВЫ планировать прибывать в США?

I did not think yet of visiting in you country. I to think,
that to us still early to speak about it, you see we still
absolutely to not know almost each other.

Как вы относиться к тому, что я уже иметь детей?
Excuse me, that I to not write to you earlier concerning
children. I very much to like children and I normally to
fall into to that that you already to have children. I to
think, that I can them grow fond as, but I would like to
have children.

зачем я ищу человека
I to search in the person for love and comprehension. The
relevant value to have fairness, as well as you to consider.
I to not like when to me lie and do not want to speak the truth.
Even if I already to know this truth. As most relevant in life I
to consider family!

почему вы написали в США
I could not find in Russia of the man with which I would like
to form family, here men can not care of family, and in America
the people which live can care of the women and family.

пошлите больше фото
I do not have now more photo, but I shall try to send you them
in the future.

про родителей и дом. животных
My parents any more do not work, I try by him to help in what they
require. We with my mother like to go shopping and we buy purchases.
My daddy loves to go on fishing with the friends, he brings a fish
and we prepare tasty meal. I have no home animals, but would like
to have. My friends have dog I sometimes I go to them and we with her
go for a walk.

мошенничество в россии
Обман в интернете.

I know, that many people use the Internet to earn money with the help
of a deceit. It is wrong, as the usual women then, can not find the
love and happiness in the Internet, as many men were deceived and do
not trust now women.
I am very glad that those messages you sent not to me, I too heard
that in Russia there is such swindle, but it is a problem of our
state and I do not want about it to speak.

про братьев и сестер и с кем живу
I have no the brothers and sisters, I live one in the apartment,
sometimes I go to the parents.

Вы могли прибывать для посещения
I not when was not in USA, but always wanted to visit in America.
I could come what to meet my lovely man. Which wants also meeting
with me. it will be pleasant to me to make happy the man and to have
with him family and children. To be with him always line and to love

что любите из еды.
I like Italian food, Pizza , and also I love steak and baked
potatoes. I like many different kinds of food, but I would say those
are my favorites. I like to work out.

длинные сроки
My chief has told that my holiday will be on time of travel to you
from a beginning of August and prior to the beginning September.
Lovely at this time I shall be happy to lead with you time. And
to enjoy our first meeting.

прошлые отношения .

I had in life 2 serious relations. Last were finished in November
2005. First my relations were with the man, which I
Has got acquainted, when I studied in law institute in Penza.
We lived together, there was, that he with Penza too. When I
Has arrived home, I have learned, that other woman waits for the child from him.
The second relations to me should be finished, as mine the man,
With which I lived very many saws and beat me, he did not respect me.

Принципиальные родители

Lovely, my parents are very basic and want to see your participation
on my trip too to be convinced of your serious intentions. They will
pay cost of the tickets in both parties, now help with cost of the
documents is necessary to me it is 750 dollars. My parents are afraid
to release me to the man, which they do not trust. Very much speak,
that the Russian women take away in other countries and they become
the slaves or prostitutes.

Почему разместили профиль и как

Sweet, I understand, that in your country much speak, that many Russian
women and woman of other nationalities arrive in your country to the men
only to receive citizenship, and then have divorce. But because of
such women we simple can not get acquainted with the serious men
and have happiness. I was disappointed by the Russian men and for
this reason has placed the structure in the Internet. The girlfriend
of my mum has helped me to place my profile, as the people from
Russia can not be placed there.

Что делаешь после работы

Know, that I work as the seller now. And I like my job, as I like to please children
Other people. The ambassador work, I am engaged on sports competitions two times per one week
From volleyballs and associations 1 time. I like to be healthy and to have a
Beautiful body . Also I meet the friends, and we sometimes visit cinema
Or clubs to dance.

Почему много денег на визу?

Lovely, the company of travels asks many money, as they give a
guarantee 90 %, that I shall have the visa, if they can not help me,
will return money. If not to use the companies, I can lose the money,
it will cost more cheaply really, but an opportunity to receive the
visa 10-20 % only. As it is difficult for receiving for the young

Как посылать?

Lovely, I am glad, that you want to meet me and to help me with it. I
spoke with the agent of travels and he prompted to send money through
Western union, as it is convenient also I have no the personal bill
in bank. I have the address of bank, where the office of Western union,
it is located: Bank "Menatep" 432011,Russia, Ulyanovsk city, Molochnyi lane, 14.
you should know my complete name and address also, I shall
write it below once again. I think, that one of these days I can
receive it.

Говорит, что рано встречаться.

I should tell, that I completely, agree, with you, that we need,
still to learn each other, and that this haste, can not so well, have
an effect, on ours with you the attitudes. But I as to think, that at
correspondence, we can not, learn each other, on is better so much,
as though we could, learn, each other at meeting, as at the meeting is
possible, much to tell, each other, than if, you will correspond,
through the Internet, and to transfer those emotions which you to
test to the man. Be can now I tell you, that that what to seem to you,
ridiculous or you simply to think that I to speak you, it specially.
But I already some days to begin to think of you, and even mine the
girlfriend, at work, or, when I to go, with them, am simple where be
to take a walk, speak me, that I to become, what that closed, in
myself, and I as though fly, where, I to speak them that, with me,
all in the order. But they to not trust me, and I to not know, that
by him to answer, though they to know, that I to correspond with the
man, but they to not think, that I to test to you, what that of
feeling, but nevertheless I to tell to them, that I to not know that
with me to happen for last, days, but me to seem, that I to fall in
love in you, and to want to be with you. Though I nevertheless to
understand, that with me, is done, but I to not know that with this
feeling to do.
I you will think that to understand mine the letter,
and will do, what that conclusions proceeding,
from this that, I to tell to you, in this letter.
I simply still to want to tell, " be it can destiny "
And who knows her.

Мой отец.

I respect my father. he the very good man. he does not drink alcohol.
he loves my mum and looks after her. During reorganization in Russia
my daddy has lost work. The mum, working in school received the small
salary. We lived poorly, we had no meal sometimes. We ate vegetables,
which had on our kitchen garden about houses. My daddy has found good
work and received money well. he gave me gifts. he has made so that
we lived not poorly.

I do not want while to you to inform that where I now I live. I shall
speak about it, when I shall learn you better and I can to you trust.
While it will be by a riddle for you and in me there will be a secret
about which I shall speak in my following letters. I was born in Russia
and I Russian.

I yet do not want to inform you where I live, I shall inform you it later.
I would want that between us there was a riddle, and you very much wanted
her to solve. But then I shall inform you where I live. In what city and
in what country.

I like different music. I listen to Russian music frequently. You
know any Russian executors? It is pleasant to me Red hot chilly
peppers usually.

была ли за мужем естли дети.
Dear ????? I never was behind the husband and consequently to not have children but very much to want them you see children it fine.

другое имя в письме
Dear ?????! I to write to you what to write to you that my
girlfriend. I could not to you write some days so I to be sick and to
ask my girlfriend to write to you she to hurry and to write the name
instead of mine I to ask you a pardon for it. I hope what is it you
strongly to not afflict.

одно и тоже
Dear ????? , I really sent to you the letter two times, because at the first sending on the computer the table has appeared, that my letter is not sent, and I have sent the letter one more time.

Отвечаю не на все вопросы.

You ask so many questions. I will try to answer as many as possible. I may forget to answer some so don't be mad with me.

брат и сестра
I do not have not brothers and sisters, I one of children in family.


Unfortunately I have no the telephone.
I live in new area of city and the telephone line yet is not created.
Therefore we can not have communication on the phone.

голые фото

I do not have pictures, where I naked. I never
was photographed without clothes. Lovely, I hope you me understand,
I have strict education and I can not show myself without clothes
the man. Probably, in the future, when we shall be more close to each
other, I shall do such photos specially for you.


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Когда чувак посылает тебя на .... Ответное письмо.

I do not send you hello. You have very strongly offended me the letter which I have attached below. Do not write to me more letters. I am very strongly offended and upset on you. I spoke to you with open soul, and you have spat on it. You have spat on my good relation to you. Do not write to me more. I do not want to see more your letters in my post box.

Я совсем случайно встретила тебя в Интернете

I so am happy that I found you, I found you absolutely casually the manager the Internet of cafe to me showed as it is possible to get acquainted in the Internet and opened page where your structure was and I have decided to write to you.

Я только знаю что мне нужно для путешествия а как это все делается я не ...

For my travel to America I should have the international passport and the visa I do not know as all this is done because I when did not travel for limits of Russia earlier.

В России жить херово жрать нечо

I think that life in Russia strongly differs than in America. America more a civilization at you almost each person has houses a computer and a cellular telephone. On a standard of living in Russia such the rich person presumes to itself only.

В России мы передвигаемся чисто на автобусах

In Russia some people have the own automobile. My family when had no the own automobile. We always left for city or to the grandmother in village by the public bus. Once we with mum went to Moscow by train because the ticket aboard the plane costs in 5 times more expensively. I when did not fly by planes because it very dearly.

Мне очень приятно что ты хочешь что бы я приехала к тебе

It is very pleasant for me to hear from you that you would would like that I arrived to you, you too have very much liked me from the first letter and me too there is a big desire to see you in real life

Я не имею телефон

I have no phone at home, in Russia many people have no phone at home, but I too would like to hear your voice and I shall think as us it is possible to hear each other.

Мой любимый цвет

My color a favorite dark blue.

Мое любимое продовольствие.

I very much love the hen a grill, it is very easy to prepare for it and it always turns out very juicy and tasty.

Мое любимое кино.

You want to know my favourite cinema?
I like to see the Brazilian serials about love, romantic films and comedies.

Мои любимые цветы

I very much love white roses when I was small mine the daddy at date of a birth of my mum gave her once white roses, these roses have remained in my memory on all life.


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1. Мне понравилось ваше фото.

I very much liked your photo. You well look.

2. Если фотография с детьми.

I very much loved your photo. You well look. At you perfect children. I present your pride of them!

3. про город.

I live in the city of Kazan. It is in 1000 kilometers to the east from Mo
scow. It very beautiful. Our city is an administrative centre of Tatarstan is something of your staffs. In our city it is a lot of squares, parks, evening cafes. Our city very green, in it is a lot of trees. As a whole our city can be named provincial in comparison with such megacities, as Moscow or Saint Petersburg. But in it there are the of charm. To our city recently it was executed 1000!

4. Я люблю слушать и читать после работы.

After work I have usually a rest: I listen to music - domestic popular music, I love classics under mood, from the American executors it is pleasant to me Moby; also I like to read. I like to read Russian writers: Thick, Bunin, Dostoewskiy and others. Also I like to read a fantasy. I have re-read almost all products Bradbery. I do not read detectives and love novels.

6. У меня нет телефона.

It is very a pity to me, but I have no phone because to have phone
But I shall search for an opportunity to have conversation with you.
I very much want to hear your voice and if I can find phone that I
I shall necessarily inform to you!!!

7. Смогу приехать.

At me also serious intentions. I think we can correspond some time that it is good to know each other. Really you can meet the person whom do not know? Travel for me not a problem. I earlier already used travel agency which is in our city when went to Italy, Turkey, Germany.

9. Чем буду заниматься, если приеду в Америку.

I do not know, than I would like to engage in America. I am not familiar with your orders about conducting any activity. But I to be idle would not begin precisely. I am an active person. I could work by the trade.I have finished trading college, but I could not get a job by my
education and consequently I work as the seller in a toy shop. But
I hope in the future to study still, to begin the trading manager.

10. О России.

Russia is big and very various country. People of different nationalities here live and all of them have the culture.The climate in Russia is very various. From a permafrost up to hot places where there is no winter. I know from a history, that earlier our countries competed among themselves, and Soviet Union named empire of evil. I think, that all this - vestiges of the past. Russia - very good country, with
the richest culture, clever people, the various nature.

It is interesting to you, how Russia now looks? It is the distressful country. It is the country of shocks. But at the same time this country is fine and surprising. It is possible to tell with confidence, that Russia is the country of paradoxes. Great Russian poet Bunin wrote: " Wit Russia to not understand, and by a measure of the general to not measure, about it especial destiny. To Russia it is possible to trust only! ". Prime minister Cherchil once has told about Russian people: " I am amazed with ability Russian to create to itself problems, and then heroically them to overcome! ". You know, both statements true.

11. Хочу ли я приехать в Америку.

Yes I want to visit you and the USA, but I to think,
that to us still early to speak about it, you see we still
absolutely to not know almost each other.However I very much would like to meet you!

12. Мне нужен просто муж.

My desire pursues only one purpose it to find the person which will grow fond of me and which would be shall grown fond by me for that what to create family for ever. The silent family cosiness is necessary for me. I want to have family to care of the husband.

13. Не нравятся русские мужики.

I had no any serious attitudes earlier.Also it is possible to tell, that I never loved the man though I want to love and be loved. The matter is that I do not like Russian men. They are very frivolous. They live in the today's afternoon and do not think at all of the future. Many of them abuse alcohol. I saw, how their women are tormented and I do not want for itself such destiny. Understand, I do not search for good life, I am simple shall not sustain such life psychologically.

14. За опоздание с ответом.

Forgive for my delay at sending to you of the answer. I have access in the Internet only once a day.

15. Главное в жизни.

He most important thing in my life is a love. That surrounds us exists only due to love.Also for me the family has huge value. To have family where everyone like each other - that can be better?!

16. Про Москву и петербург.

Yes certainly I was in Moscow and in Petersburg. More I liked Petersburg. Moscow is big and noisy city. And Petersburg can be named a monument of Russian architecture. It is very beautiful. Especially I liked its fountains and quay of the river of Neva.

17. Про кинотеатры.

In our city there are some cinemas where we can look the American and European cinema. I very much like to look cinema of various genres - all depends on mood. I can look both melodramas and large-scale films with set of special effects. Especially I like animation films.

18. Про письменную почту.

I think, that will correspond written letters for us inconveniently. Our mail works very badly. Letters very much it is frequently lost or very for a long time reaches the addressee. And we should correspond between continents! My letter can
not reach or reach you in some months.

19. Если упёрся и хочет встретиться раньше.

Hi my dear Michael! I am glad to speak again with you! Thank for yours
e-mail. I am glad Michael, that in our relations there is a promotion
and we became more close people. I tell about you mine much to parents
and friends. They hope, that will sometime get acquainted with you
Michael. They insist, that I would acquaint you with them, my parents
are especially persevering. I have told him , that is serious I treat
you Michael, also that you the good person. You know Michael, that parents
always wish children only good and are pleased, when their children
are happy in all. The daddy loves mine fishing and he now goes pleased
on an apartment and speaks, that now he has person , which can be
invited for fishing. I for a long time laughed and have told to him,
that at all I do not know, yУou like it to do whether or not.
Also that he early it is pleased, in fact it is possible to you not
interestingly. Also know, that he answered? he has told, that in the
summer he will be going for you good fishing tackle also will
learn you to cook present to an ear. And you Michael, told to close
people about me? What they have opinion? inform me please it. You have
any plans concerning our relations? I think, that for us will be very
much it is good, if we can carry out some days together. It will be to
strengthen our relations and will help us to learn better each other.
Between us there were only we messages and I
think, that to us it is better, all over again to meet in the friend
place. I very much would want to be with you alone, to see you the
eyes and a touch to you! Dear so we can make full opinion on us to
learn about many things. Let's be to discuss it Michael. I wait for your
opinions, I miss also a kiss of you.

20. Универсальная всавка про любовь.

Hi my dear. I am very glad to receive your answer.
It is pleasant for me, that our acquaintance is a success also we have progress. I to think and very much to want, what to have our love together.
I to search specially such for the man as you.
I am very glad, that my heart of me to not deceive.
Why, from all I to want to choose you. I to think, that it is destiny. Because to me so to say my heart.
And I was very glad when to find your letter in the box.
Now I go after my work what to look my box and to find your letter. Each night and day my ideas about you.
I to not know, that this such.
But I to feel like as me of 18 years.
I to feel like the young and young girl.
I to lose good dream.
Because I long to think of you before that how to go to bed.
et's me sleep. I to think, that tomorrow I can receive from you the answer.
Now I to finish the letter.

21. Парка про Америку.

You ask me about what I see America? I think, that it is the free country with the big opportunities. I like America though in residing at it there are minuses and pluss. I thought, that here I could find second half, and in my opinion I was not mistaken... You have liked me. I done not drawn with shine and well-being of America though it not bad, simply I think America a civilized country where people appreciate people.What do you suspect it? I am not mistaken?

22. где путешествовала.

I made travel to Italy, Germany and Turkey.
I went there under the tourist permit with other tourists.
I cannot brag of that saw many sights. Especially it was pleasant to me in Italy,
namely in Rome. I was struck with its ancient constructions which there were kept.
I since the childhood was interested in an antique history.
It was especial at school for me interestingly everything,
that concerned Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.
When I was in Rome, among monuments of culture of antique times,
I as if have got at that time. During trip I did not like tiresome moving.
We made trips by the bus.

23. Боится потерять деньги.

Lovely ?????. I to read your letter, and very much to understand,
that is done on ground and as other people suffer from it. My dear, I
understand your mistrust. When I have told about it to my tourist
agent, he has told, that that you do not trust me is not present
anything surprising. The agent has told, that for last years set of
people from other countries have been deceived by dishonest women. But
I do not concern to them! I have been shocked with that the agent has
told, and I present that you now think of me... I in full confusion..
I have got in rather inconvenient position. I did not write to you
yesterday. I did not know what to write... I do not have words.
Certainly I have no any right to reproach you that you refuse to help
me now. I always counted myself the independent person, and I would
not like to resort to the help of other people, is especial in the
financial attitude. I you see understand that in a world a lot of
evil, not of the truth and fraud. Yes, anywhere from it will not get
to. It very much and very bad. Many people to care only of the profit
and do not think of feelings and experiences of other man. They do not
reflect, how it will be then bad, it is the very mean and malicious
people. On mine they to not have anything sacred in the heart. It is a
lot of such people in a world and in Russia certainly too. I you was
very good to understand and to respect for that that you to not be
afraid to tell me about it. Yes certainly people should trust each
other, at what even if they to be far apart. The all this truth is
very not usual. I even itself when to write to you first time, too
very strongly doubted to find the love. But I to select you, because
you to me to show by which that man I to search all life. I to not
look at age, I to feel yours throttle. I wanted to find the love and I
not so that trusted that it at me to receive, but only after an
occurring with you I have understood, that you that man, to which I
should return all yourselves completely. I can not without you and
without your gentle words. Please trust me and all at us will be good.
There can be you could speak by with me to phone. I could call you to
dispel your doubts. I remember your number(815-621-6773). What you on
it think?I wait for your answer. With love, your real Nina!!!

24. Мнение родителей.

Yes, certainly my parents know about our relations.
At first they with care concerned to my acquaintance under the Internet.
But now they have calmed down. They spoke me, that in the Internet it is possible to meet very much
It is a lot of the bad people.
As to you, they are very pleased that I have met the friend.
My parents are very glad, that now I shall not be lonely.

25. Ты что не хочешь приехать в Америку?

I did not speak, that I do not want to arrive. I want to tell to you to meet, I need to make some efforts, and it also will demand some time. Your offer such unexpected. I concern to our relations very seriously. Certainly I want to meet you. I frequently imagined our meeting. Minutes which we shall carry out together. I dreamed of it and itself was afraid of the ideas. I was afraid, that my dreams and will stay dreams.

26. Если ебёт мозги после 11-го шаблона.

My dear, I am afraid to look too persuasive, but I am compelled to ask you again, whether you want to meet me in the near future? I want to see you in the person. Now the summer, at us it - is time holidays. I could take some break on work to see you. I yet have no my photos in bikini. I did not go yet to the grandmother. And last time I did only one picture. Know, at a meeting you could observe me in bikini and without pictures. We could float with you somewhere. As you look at it. Or you have some difficulties with a meeting? I hope, that it not so. With impatience I wait for your answer. Passionate kisses. Your Nina.

27. Не получала вашего ответа.

I have not received on it the answer. I have thought, that you were confused with my offer to meet. Then I have sent you some short messages. But me there has come the information, that they have not been delivered. I have thought, that at you the address has changed or there are some problems with my or your letter box. I worried. I began to think, that you have lost to me interest. I was in confusion and did not know what to make. Tell, you received my letter on July, 15. If yes, that you think that in it is written. The text of this letter is present above. I all these days thought of you. I am very glad, that we again on connection. I have good mood. I wait for your answer. Whole!! Your Nina.

28. Что делала в эти выходные.

At once I shall answer your questions. In these days off I and my girlfriend went to theatre. Now began a summer theatrical season. In our city there are 2 large theatres. At these theatres various performances are put. Also on performances theatres from other cities here act. Earlier we frequently went to theatre, but recently on it there was no time. We with the girlfriend have decided to visit performance which referred to " Games of the excited men. " It is a ridiculous parody to mutual relations of men and women which many years live together. It was the comedy. We have not bad spent.

30. Мнение родителей и друзей.

What my parents and friends about our relations think? At first they with care concerned to my acquaintance under the Internet.
But now they have calmed down. They spoke me, that in the Internet it is possible to meet very much
the bad people.
As to you, they are very pleased that I have met the friend.
My parents are very glad, that now I shall not be lonely.

31. Охуенный загон про недоверие!

You have not correctly understood me. I do not ask you 700 $. I have told to you, that payment of work of agency of travel has costed for me more expensively, than I expected. I thought, that I should pay 200 $. But appeared, that I should pay 700 $ for a full package deal. I have satisfied this condition and have paid 700 $. But now I doubt, that I will have enough money to pay other part of the contract. Certainly I took money from parents, but I think, that it is not enough of it. The matter is that my parents now have no savings which would be to pay my travel enough. I would not need to borrow money parents. If they had enough money they would give me them gratuitously. Whether in the last letters I asked you you can help me if I be unable to pay other part of the contract. I and now ask you about it. I have got in an inconvenient situation. And I thought, that you can help me with it. I have been a little surprised, when you have started to doubt of my intentions to arrive to you. I do not understand, in what sense to me you to deceive? In fact I wish to meet you. For what I then give each free minute to legalize papers? For what I spend time and forces? I have taken on work holiday at own expense to meet you. I want to see you! Why you do not trust me? You think, what I want you to deceive? You think, what your money are necessary for me to be enriched? You think having received your money I shall become happy? Really you think, what the ending of our long correspondence when I shared with you the secret ideas the banal deceit becomes??? Forgive me that I was a little sharp. All these preparations and difficulties force to be nervous a little. Yes I understand you. You can doubt, in fact between us the big distance. But that you so think of me is unpleasant to me. Understand I can address for the help only to you. Trust me, I ask you. I want to see you, I want to tell to you " hi ?????. I Nina " to embrace you. I all last days lived idea on this travel and preparation for it. I want to you. Perhaps, I shall finish the letter. I wait for your answer. Whole. Your Nina. I think of you!!!

32. Мне нравится жить в моём городе!!!

I like to live in my city. I like to walk on its cosy parks, I like to sit in cosy cafes. I like to leave sometimes with friends in club. I like to look at historical monuments . I love the city!

33. Где хочу жить.

I never thought, where I shall live in the future. I think, that all places in the world are good for residing when you have favourite family, the cosy house and the favourite partner in life. Know, we have such proverb: " For the favourite person it is possible to go and on edge of the world ".

34 После 17 шаблона.

Dear mine, I am glad, that you do not refuse me when I have told to you, that I probably need your help. I did not think, that registration of trip will cost for me in more expensive, than I thought. I use services of the cheapest agent. As I was explained by the agent, some difficulties in reception of the visa to you have arisen that your government was a little toughened with requirements to foreigners because of terrorism. The agent does not deceive me. I trust the agent as it is familiar my parents. he in every possible way helps me. Initially I should pay for services of agency 700 $, but the agent has made so that I have paid only 500 $ for services of agency. But also it appeared for me much as I expected on 200 $ as it was earlier. I have paid services of agency completely. Now I am afraid, that I will not have not enough money to pay other part of the contract. Really it is very inconvenient for me to ask your help, but to me any more whom to ask the help. I have taken some money from my parents, but it appeared insufficiently. I shall necessarily compensate to you in the future of money if you will help me! I always return a duty. The agent has told to me, that I cannot break off now the contract with agency, differently I should pay the penalty, and the agent cannot help me. And still the important part of that I want to tell to you. You should not doubt of gravity of my intentions. I the serious person also have got used to finish the started business. And if I have decided to arrive to you and to meet you, I should meet you! Otherwise I would not ask you the help. It is really awkward to me to ask about the help. I always counted myself the independent girl, and appeared, that I was mistaken. That do you think what I have written? It is very necessary for me to know your opinion. I love you and I want, that you loved me!!

35.Для ебланов после 11-го шаблона (1)

Hi my dear. I am very glad to receive your answer.
It is pleasant for me, that our acquaintance is a success also we have progress. I to think and very much to want, what to have our love together.
I to search specially such for the man as you.
I am very glad, that my heart of me to not deceive.
Why, from all I to want to choose you. I to think, that it is destiny. Because to me so to say my heart.
And I was very glad when to find your letter in the box.
Now I go after my work what to look my box and to find your letter. Each night and day my ideas about you.
I to not know, that this such.
But I to feel like as me of 18 years.
I to feel like the young and young girl.
I to lose good dream.
Because I long to think of you before that how to go to bed.
et's me sleep. I to think, that tomorrow I can receive from you the answer.
Now I to finish the letter.I wait for yours e-mail,
my lovely. Embraces and my kiss!!!

Yours Nina.

Для ебланов после 11-го шаблона (2).

My dear, I do not want to seem to you too annoying, but I want you to
ask, how you look at to meet in the near future? inform me please it.
You have any plans concerning our relations? I think, that for us will
be very much it is good, if we can carry out some days together. It
will be to strengthen our relations and will help us to learn better
each other. Probably the next month we can meet. For example in Europe
or the other place. Between us there were only we messages and I
think, that to us it is better, all over again to meet in the friend
place. I very much would want to be with you alone, to see you the
eyes and a touch to you! Dear so we can make full opinion on us to
learn about many things. Let's be to discuss it ?????. I wait for your
opinions, I miss also a kiss of you.

36. Относительно первой встречи.

Precisely I do not know, but it should be
the night garden. We go on a track which is indefinitely twisted
between trees. We go without a definite purpose. From the sky the moon
so all around is visible, as if day brightly shines. But things look
circle not as in the afternoon. They entirely from silver due to a
moonlight. Even leaves of trees not green, but silver. Somewhere the
violin silently plays. Its sound fills all around and it is impossible
to understand, where there is this invisible musician. It everywhere.
It seems, that the violin plays our souls. It is a little cold to me.
You embrace me, whisper gentle words and we are filled with love and a
pacification, and the violin starts to play all more loudly and more

37. Если хочет сам купить билеты.

Hi mine liked! Very much missed for you, and has seen mail, has seen,
that the letter from you has come and at me at once it became good and
warmly on soul, lovely. ????? , it is very pleasant, that you want
even itself to buy the tickets to me, it is very pleasant, that you
care of me. But mine lovely, if we want to be seen faster, the travel
needs to be prepared through tourist agency, and differently I need to
wait the visa about three months. And tourist agency will not do to me
only one visa, it is engaged in organization of travels and concludes
the contracts only on organization of all travel, that is the contract
includes cost of the visa, passport, insurance, tickets and customs
taxes. It means I can not conclude the contract with a travel company
to order one visas. I reserve the visa I can not, it will require a
lot of time and forces, it will be necessary to me to go in embassy
and to wait for three months, besides a lot of time for receptions of
the passport in the ministry is required. Certainly, through agency to
travel little bit more dearly, liked, but it saves a lot of time and
forces. You see if I shall do all of the document for trip, all my
holiday is required for this purpose. Lovely, best variant, this
tourist agency, I considered all possible variants, but it is most
optimum. Agency makes travels thus. I conclude the contract, I pay it
and during 10-12 days I receive the passport, the visa and tickets on
a next flight and I take off in your city as the tourist, the visa
will work 25 days from the date of arrival. I hope lovely for the
first meeting to us this time will suffice. Agency accepts payment
only in cash and at once at the conclusion of the contract. I hope
liked, that I could to you all in detail explain. Really it is very
inconvenient for me to ask your help, but to me any more whom to ask
the help. I have taken some money from my parents, but it appeared
insufficiently. I shall necessarily compensate to you in the future of
money if you will help me! I always return a duty. The agent has told
to me, that I cannot break off now the contract with agency,
differently I should pay the penalty, and the agent cannot help me.
And still the important part of that I want to tell to you. You should
not doubt of gravity of my intentions. I the serious person also have
got used to finish the started business. And if I have decided to
arrive to you and to meet you, I should meet you! Otherwise I would
not ask you the help. It is really awkward to me to ask about the
help. I always counted myself the independent girl, and appeared, that
I was mistaken. That do you think what I have written? It is very
necessary for me to know your opinion. I love you and I want, that you
loved me!! Kiss of you!!! Yours Nina. Kiss. I miss and I wait for our

38. Скорее встретиться.

I agree with you, that we can find out each other much better if we shall meet. I think, that we could meet once. But now still know each other more few, and I think, that during correspondence we can better find out each other.

39. Ещё про недоверие.

I realize you with your situation when you study. I understand your inconvenient position. I want to tell to you, that I to not stop to correspond with you, and I do not lose hope to see you. Yes, I am in rather inconvenient situation. I look silly. I was not capable to take care of the trip up to the end. But I shall search for an opportunity to meet you. I the serious person and if I have decided to see you I shall achieve it. The question consists in, whether you were disappointed in me?? I should tell to you - trust me. I did not think at all of any deceit!!! You think, what all our correspondence in which I shared with all of you my secret ideas will end with a banal deceit??? You so can easily tell to me, what I can not write, if I do not want??? All of you still want me to see? I shall try to find money, I shall use each opportunity to find money and to pay the rest of the contract. Simply I was silly, when I have counted upon you and have decided to charge you with my material problems. But understand me, that I have nobody to ask the help more. I shall try to persuade the agent of travel that he has waited with registration of papers. I simply want to ask, whether I can hope for any assistance of you? All of
you still want, that we have met?

40. Пишись с агенством.

Hi my dear ?????! Sweet I understand your condition I I feel the same
to me it seems that soon I shall go mad. Pleasure mine, lovely my,
sweet mine as you might think such that I can to deceive you. I love
you as never and nobody loved. It is the truth I never would deceive
you. You my charm. I shall live only for you. To me any more 18 years
to play games. I so long searched for the happiness and at last I have
found him in your person. Please do not speak that you do not
trust me. It so will wound my gentle heart. I am ready for you on
anything you like. You want that I have somehow proved to you that I
speak the truth. These your words as a knife are stuck into my heart.
But if you want it I shall prove to you it.Very much, it is very a
pity to me, that you have unsuccessful acquaintance to women from
other countries. I now present, that you think of me. But I DO NOT
DECEIVE!! And it is hurt to me to realize that you do not trust me. I
am very much excited with it. I have told about all to the agent of
travel and he has told, that in it there is nothing surprising. I want
to prove to you, that I do not play game. I send to you the data on
Agency of travel and on the agent. You can send e-mail with inquiry,
and to you can send the scanned copies of my documents which I have
already made. You understand, that I am in very inconvenient
situation. I have already concluded the contract with agency and I
cannot break off him Differently should pay the penalty. But I also do
not want to break off the contract. I want to see you!!! I ask you,
trust me!

Agency of travels " Columb M ", Russia,
Izhevsk, street Proletarskaya, house 7, apartment 89. E-mail:
[email protected] I also have asked a phone number for my agent,
it has given me such: 89276818897.

My information :
My the first name is Nina.
My last name is Gayfullina.
Russia , 426072,
Izhevsk, street. Youth, 6

My kisses and embraces!

Yours Nina.

41. Где конкретно я училась.

I studied in Institute of Economy and Management which concerns to the Udmurt State University. I have finished economic faculty on a speciality " management of the organization ".

42. Про обычную почту.

I do not know as paper correspondence between the countries is carried out.. I ask to not use service of usual mail.
Because we have many thefts on mail and sendings reach within 2-3 months
the addressee.Our mail works badly. Your letter can be late in a way on some month, and can not achieve at all me. In fact we shall correspond through continents!

43. Для ебланов, которые говорят после 11 ш, что не могут встрет-ся, им некогда.

Hi mine dear ????? ! Forgive me for delay with my answer. I am very
glad to receive your answer. It is pleasant for me, that our
acquaintance is a success also we have progress. I to think and very
much to want, what to have our love together. I to search specially
such for the man as you. I am very glad, that my heart of me to not
deceive. Why, from all I to want to choose you. I to think, that it is
destiny. Because to me so to say my heart. And I was very glad when to
find your letter in the box. Now I go after my work what to look my
box and to find your letter. Each night and day my ideas about you. I
to not know, that this such. But I to feel like as me of 18 years. I
to feel like the young and young girl. I to lose good dream. Because I
long to think of you before that how to go to bed. et's me sleep. I to
think, that tomorrow I can receive from you the answer. My dear, I
understand you when you speak, that you are occupied. Dear, I at the
end of August receive holiday for 1 month. It would be very convenient
for me to meet you at this time. I so want to meet you at this time!!
I want to ask you, whether you can find some time at the end of August
or the beginning of September to meet me? I very much want it.. To not
disturb you, I could arrive to you. I could look after you when you
will get tired after work. I could prepare you for any tasty dish..
What you on it will tell? I with impatience shall look forward to
hearing from you. My kisses and embraces.

Yours Nina.

44. Бабушка рулит. My grandmother.

Forgive, that I write to you with some delay. I went to the grandmother for city. I helped her on a garden. I have told to the grandmother about my problem. The grandmother experienced for me. She very kind person also does not like, that her grand daughter was sad. We have sat with her, have talked. She perfectly is able to calm people. She has told, that I should not so to experience because of it. The grandmother has told, that I am still young and I in a life will have still more many various ways and acquaintances and that it is not necessary so strongly to experience if at me it has turned out nothing this time. I at once began to argue from her. I to her have told, that I do not need many roads, I do not need many acquaintances. The unique road, what conducts to you, to my favourite person is necessary for me. My grandmother already old, she almost has lived all life in village. That I want летеnь somewhere far to the favourite person is very unusual to her. I much still spoke her about myself, about you, about our relations. She sat and listened to me and did not say words. When I have stopped to speak, she was silent a little more, and has then smiled and has told, that did not expect to hear from me anything else! She has told, that I act correctly. She has told: " Nina you look now a lunatic, but I allow to you blessing and let you stored by the god. " She has told to me, that this happiness when is capable so to love. Also that without difficulties there is no happiness. She has told, that when she was the young girl and waited for my grandfather when he will return from war, she cried every day. She did not know, whether she will see my grandfather sometime alive. But she was happy, because liked. She waited for him 3 years. We still for a long time talked. Forgive, that I tell all this. But I want that you ????? Have understood as far as my feelings are strong. I recollect your gentle letters, your reasonings on a life, on love.. I cannot forget it and I do not want to forget it never!! My grandmother tried to help me as can. She has taken almost all money and has simply given me. I tried to protest. But she has told to me that I have broken off and took money. She has told, that if she cannot solve completely my problem then will help somehow. She has given me 10000 roubles. It is the small sum. If to transfer it in dollars it will make approximately 300 $.

Now I have this additional money. I have added them to what at me are. Now I do not have not enough 450 dollars more. I realize your situation, but I want to ask you, whether you can help me with this money. Because I already searched for money everywhere where only could. I any more do not know, where I can find money. And the contract needs to be paid now.

45. Любовь.

Hi my favourite Dave! Lovely, today my message will be small because I
have have put from my work which need to be carried out much . I want
to speak you only Dave, that I miss on you and very much I want more
likely to see you. Probably, tomorrow I shall take away my visa, so to
me the agent has told. Also I plan, these days, to finish all affairs
on my work and to take holiday. I wait for your messages dear. my
embraces and love. My sweet, I want to be your second half in life. I
want to be your princess, Lady, I want to be your adviser to be your
partner in life, and the most important I want To begin your wife and
I want that you became my husband! I to give birth To you beautiful
children also I want that they were similar to you. We shall bring up
together them And to love them. You agree with me, my soul? Road, we
may grant our desires and make our dreams yau? At us all life ahead. I
know, that with you at me other life full of happiness and love to you
will begin absolutely. I believe In it, my honey and very much I hope.
Honey, I shall wait for our first meeting as the schoolgirl expecting
for the first appointment in life. My dear, I completely trust you
because I believe you. Lovely, I need in you as the lock in a key. I
want you as the ground water at a drought. My prince, I send you one
million hot kisses. Let these kisses accompany You all the day. My
body wants you, my heart is beaten more strongly from your letters.
Now it is time to me to go, I shall write to you tomorrow. Yours Nina.

46. После телефонного разговора.

At once I want to tell, that at you a nice voice. Know, how I worried, when talked to you!! I thought, that at me heart will jump out of a breast! I never talked to the person from other country, and furthermore with the person to whom you have such feelings. I tried to hide the excitement, but you probably have noticed it in my voice.. I am glad, that we have talked!

После телефонного разговора, если автоответчик.

It is a pity to me, that we could not speak by phone. I so worried, when spoke! I still never called to the person in other country, and furthermore to the person to whom I have such feelings! I thought, that at me heart will jump out of a breast! I tried to hide the excitement. But I think, that all of you equally have noticed it in my voice.

47. Денги дай.

Yours Nina.

48. Отшиваем.

Dear mine, I realize you. I would not like to begin such relations with mistrust. And money here at all at what. I am disappointed by what to begin normal relations through the Internet it is practically impossible. One deceive others, others do not trust the third, the third take offence at the fourth... And so on. I think, that I have silly acted hoping to find love on the Internet.... I most likely shall finish this useless occupation. I take holiday and I leave in village to my grandmother who lives in village. To me were rude, to me did not trust.. I do not want to continue it. Forgive me, but I too have nerves. Once again forgive me. I wish you success...

49. супер любовь.

Last night I long looked at stars and thought of you my gentle.
I have named your name the brightest star in the sky.
And now if to me I become sad simply I leave in the evening on street,
I shall see the necessary star and to me at once it
becomes easier love mine.
Now I frequently shall look at stars may to be to me it will be
possible to think of desire.
I already know that I shall think. It is very a pity to me that we
are divided with thousand miles.
I so want to feel you all body. I would like to embrace and kiss you.
When I close eyes to me it seems that your hands concern my body.
They slowly slide from the top downward on my gentle skin mentioning intimate places,
Leaving pleasant sensations.
To me near to you I very much would be desirable to be lovely.
I sincerely want to make you the happiest the man on the ground.
Also believe me I can make it because I love you more life.
You my ideal you the most fine and most gentle person for me.
On it I shall finish the letter.
I hope you pay attention to these words and on my recognition.
I shall look forward to hearing from you my gentle prince.
I like, whole, I adore your Nina!!!!!

50. Сука-любовь.

You know, I think, that the love cannot give concrete definition. But in my opinion, when you love someone you can not think of anything, except for loved. You can not reflecting to give all the most expensive, that at you is, for the sake of this person. You can forgive to him all. And you are happy in to see him in any image in which he will appear before you. Your heart is frequently beaten at his kind and you are happy to speak simply with him and to be with him beside.

52. Ебёт мозги после 17-го шаблона.

Hi my lovely ?????! I talked today to the agent and could not solve
the problem. As I already wrote to you, I did not expect that travel
will cost for me more expensively, than I expected, I asked the agent
that it is possible to make, but he has told, that it and the cheapest
tariff on which travel to America are carried out. I now do not know
what to make. I have no enough money to pay the rest of the contract.
Me does not suffice... I tried to find yesterday a little more money,
but it appeared difficultly. The damned money. I do not love money. I
in confusion. What to me to make? It is very awkward to me to make it,
but I am compelled to ask your help. You can help me?... I would not
ask you if so did not require your help... I assure you, that in the
future I shall necessarily compensate to you your charges. I allow a
word. I so want to see you. I need to pass through all difficulties to
get to you. Always so in a life. You aspire, you dream, and any
difficulty can spoil all. How you think, we can overcome this obstacle
together?.. What you on it will tell, my lovely? To me it is now
uneasy also to me your answer is necessary. I with impatience wait for
your letter. Your Nina and one thousand kisses!

57. После 18-го шаблона.

Hi my favourite! I am glad to speak again with you ?????! How you
today? I hope, that your day is good! ?????, I want to speak with you
about many things, but probably you will be tired with the big
message. Therefore I shall be to ask now the most important things for
me. Dear, you have pleasure when you think of our fast meeting?
Whether you informed the close people that is fast you will accept me?
What they have opinion on it? My parents and friends are pleased, that
I shall meet you. They are glad, that I at last have met the person to
whom I have big respect and serious intentions. I the daddy always
spoke me, that the man in relations mainer and, that the woman should
listen to it always. And I always argued with him concerning it.
During those moments of the life when I had relations with the person,
I always tried to be the leader in these relations . But with you
?????, I feel, that all differently. I would like to be obedient and
gentle to to you. Probably mine the daddy of the rights when speaks,
that the main instinct of the woman, it to be near to the man and to
be obedient to him. he speaks, that the woman can be happy, only if
lives thus. I have such relation to the man, as to you, for the first
time and consequently I think of it much. I think, that probably the
destiny not casually acquainted me with you! ?????, you have any sexual
ideas about me? Tell to me about it. I have such ideas about you, but
I not shall tell their the first.-OK? I very much want to learn , that
you think of me, as about the woman. I shall wait yours the story
about it! Now I shall finish the message. I wait your letters
favourite!!! I asked the agent in what way it is possible to transfer
from you money for payment of them. Understand, I have no own bank
account. To have own bank account, it is necessary to have the big
savings. I have no large savings and consequently I never had
necessity to open the account. He informed me, that they do not
accept, for payments, bank moving of money to the account, from
private persons. They accept such payment only from the organization
at travel by groups. Therefore I to me too should make the second part
of payment by cash. The agent has told, that in our city some banks
are engaged in moving of money from other countries. he has told. That
they make it quickly, it demands for them about one day. In our city
some systems for moving work. One of them is " Western Union ".
Tomorrow I shall reach there and to learn, how it to make. I shall
inform to you full details about it in the following messages. Now I
finish the letter. I send you the address of " the western union "
where it will be convenient for me to receive a remittance.

ALFA BANK SOVETSKAYA, 13 IZHEVSK , 426057 (7 ) (341 ) 2780849

I wait for yours the message my lovely. My kisses and embraces!!!

Yours Nina.

58. Хочу быть с тобой!

I am happy to read your letter to me again.
Lovely, I am already valid I can not without you and without your letters.
At me tears with happiness drip when I read your letters. I thank the god
For that that he has sent me of such person as you, such gentle, quick-witted,
And the most important loving me. And I am very glad to that that on light there is a love.
Such fine and I her test this feeling to you, my honey!!!! Yes, I shall not cease
To speak you, that I very much love you. I think, that the equation of love very simple
As 1 + 1, but at the same time very complex because together with pleasure the love may
To bring and tears and sufferings. And these my sufferings from that that we not together, my love,
That we may not touch each other look each other in eyes still more many many desires which I and you may not execute the friend for the friend. I understand my honey, that for our meeting it is required
It is a lot of time, but I sometimes at night reflect, that we can not be
Together and I all life shall suffer from love to you. But I do not want to think
About it because it not and all of us equally shall meet you. Honey, we shall be
Together also we shall be happy together. I so want it, my love!!!!!!!!
Mine baby, you for me became the most desired person. You are necessary for me as heart.
I can not live without you. Now my days pass monotonously, because my head
It is hammered by ideas on you, my body wants a touch of yours ia?ieo fingers, my lips
Want passionate kisses with you. Yes, my dear, I can not hide the dreams from
You because they concern only you.
My sweet, I want to be your second half in life. I want to be your princess,
Lady, I want to be your adviser to be your partner in life, and the most important I want
To begin your wife and I want that you became my husband! I to give birth
To you beautiful children also I want that they were similar to you. We shall bring up together them
And to love them. You agree with me, my soul?
Road, we may grant our desires and make our dreams yau?. At us all life ahead.
I know, that with you at me other life full of happiness and love to you will begin absolutely. I believe
In it, my honey and very much I hope.
My love, I shall be very patient and I shall wait very much for our meeting even if it is necessary to me
To wait for it all my life. My heart now on always belongs to you and only you of him
The master. In your authority and I know all my body and all my bodies, that you will be cautious.
Honey, I shall wait for our first meeting as the schoolgirl expecting for the first appointment in life.
My dear, I completely trust you because I believe you.
Honey, I yet do not want to write a detail about the body, because I very constraining, but I of you
I assure, that all bodies of my body normal and all of them belong only to you.
Lovely, I need in you as the lock in a key. I want you as the ground water at a drought.
I am very strong you I adore and very much I grieve on you. Please, trust me, my desires and feelings
Are fair also are pure as a drop of tears on my eyes at melancholy on you. But you do not think, that these tears from
Burning, these tears of happiness. I am too strong you I like.
My mum approves you and transfers you the greetings long as life. She is very glad, that we
Have found each other and are happy. She sincerely experiences for us and too wants that we were together.
My love, I very much want to be with you together faster. I very much need in you.
My prince, I send you one million hot kisses. Let these kisses accompany
You all the day.
My body wants you, my heart is beaten more strongly from your letters. It is a pity to me that we not now with you
I shall wait from you for the letter today and very to miss on you.
Remember. That I very much love you, my future husband!!!!!!!!

59/Приписка про кузину, насчёт изменения получателя.

My dear, let me to inform you one small nuance now. When you will go
to send money, you should send money addressed to my cousine whom call
Anastasiya. The matter is that my passport now is in travel agency.
The agency requires my passport to finish registration of the visa and
the passport for travel abroad, and also other papers in which there
should be an information from my Russian passport. And in bank without
the passport I cannot receive your money. Therefore I have quickly
solved this question. I have talked about the the cousine, whether she
can help me. My cousine has agreed. So, if it will not make for you
work you can send money for a name: Anastasiya Vasileva. I do not
know, whether the information on her address is necessary, but I shall
write it just in case.

The first name is Anastasiya.
The last name is Vasileva.
Russia , 426072,
Izhevsk, street. May Day, 58

It is the address of my cousine. I do not know, that it is necessary
to inform to send and accept money. In agency to me have told, that
main is a name. If you will send money I we with the cousine shall go
to bank and we shall receive money. Then I shall go to agency, I shall
pay money, and then I shall inform at once to you all news.

60. Если не захотим расстаться?

You have asked to me very serious question, that we shall make if not we shall want to leave.. You know, I already think, that I cannot leave you. I fly to you through ocean not simply to communicate to you, and then simply to leave. You to me very much, very much like! I want to be with you. You have the same feelings to me?

61. Если мужик рассказал о своих прошлых несчастных отношених.

Thanks for that you have told to me about your last relations. I understand, that it demanded from you some efforts! I appreciate it. I like that you have not lost love to a life, after that that you had to go through! You could find in yourselves forces to live further and have not lost ability to love. Reading your letters, I see, that you love a life in all its displays. You the gentle, kind and optimistical person. And me in one thousand times it is more pleasant that you love me!

62. Про школу.

Yes I have been given birth in the city of Izhevsk and all life have lived here. I love my city. At us speak: " It is my small native land. " Also here I have gone to school. At school I have received full secondary education. You are familiar with our education system? At school I had a plenty of interests. I was fond both sports, and art, and a history. By the way, I three years visited musical school. From sports kinds I especially was fond of basketball and gymnastics. I visited sports section. I since the childhood liked to draw. I very much liked lessons of drawing. I admired with works of the well-known Russian and foreign artists. But I and could not learn draw well. As they say, the god has not given me this talent. My art teacher spoke, that I have rich imagination and high flight of idea, but at me hands not the artist. Now I recollect it with a smile but then to me it was insulting. Sometimes even up to tears! In a youth all of us are extremists. I think myself the artist in soul. Also the history was very interesting to me. The history of Russia, as well as a history of its subjects is rich and diverse. I seriously was engaged in a history of our republic in which I live. I have republic Udmurtiya in a kind. We with my friends even visited various seminars on which exchanged the historical information concerning our edge which we could find out. Represent, and some other guys once even have taken me on the present archeological excavations which were carried spent on a place where our ancestors 800 years ago lived! Represent my interest! I went with widely opened eyes and tried to miss nothing from a kind. Also I liked to be engaged in tourism. We with friends went to campaigns, floated by boats, went on various competitions, sang songs and played on a guitar before a fire. It was romanticism. Probably then I also have grown fond of the nature. It is possible to tell, that I have grown on the nature. Me the daddy even for fun named " the child of a wood ". With the years my interests varied. In the senior classes I seriously was fond of music. Especially I liked to listen to Russian Rock. It is very alive and vital music. I even have learned to play on a guitar. Certainly I not the musician, but a pair of songs to you can play! After school I have arrived in university.

63. Если говорит провизу невесты.

About, in a picture you look enough adult and nice the man. Thanks for a photo. You should not be afraid of that I will not like your photo. I knew, that that your photo is made for a long time and you have changed. You have simply matured, but you also are similar to that a handsome man who is represented in that picture. You and now a handsome man! You like me, so all is excellent! Now I want to tell to you of that you have told. I never heard about the visa of the bride. I do not know. There can be it was easier. Dear mine, understand, my contract with transport agency is already made. Documents are made. My visa is already practically ready. Think to me will allow to make at once 2 visas. Besides I have concluded the contract with agency. I cannot break off it. By the way, I as well as you reflected in soul that we shall want to create family. I assume. That we, if shall want could marry, even if I shall come to you under the tourist visa. You should understand me, that the question on a marriage is very serious for me. Business not that I do not want to marry you! On the contrary, I thought of our marriage, simply was afraid to admit to you. Simply I thought, that you offer me it at more romantic conditions, instead of on the Internet. For this reason, I want to arrive to you as the visitor, instead of as the wife who has agreed upon a marriage on the Internet. You understand me? I want, that between us all has taken place naturally as usually, as if we with you have met not on the Internet. That you once when we shall sit having embraced under stars, have looked to me to face and have proposed. You understand me? I want, that at us all has taken place not under the plan, and as though by itself. Please, understand me. You feel the same way. I understand, that I now speak such things which can offend you or offend. Forgive me! I do not want to look the woman who does not appreciate your diligence! I on the contrary appreciate you and I like even more strongly. Simply. I want, that all would be as me it would be desirable. I am sure, that you would like for the same! Please, write to me the ideas! I do not want you to upset or enter into confusion! I love you. But I in soul - the romantic person. There can be a silly romantic person. But I cannot go against myself.

64 Про москву.

Greetings, my dear ?????. I already in Moscow. It is huge city. Around constant movement. Infinite congestions of people and automobiles. My city of Kazan in comparison with Moscow - simply a country town. Such sensation, that even trees here move. Anything here does not cost on a place. Today I shall go in the Airport. I need to settle last formalities. I have now lodged in small, but very convenient hotel.

65. про бабушку.

she already enough elderly person, but on her cheerfulness and energy
which overflows her, it is possible to tell, that to her only 30-40
years. My grandmother very cheerful. I and my grandmother we
communicate, as though we with her coevals. It is very amusing. I
think, that my grandmother could live as much again. As her soul has
remained young. And this most important - to not grow old soul. I and
my grandmother sometimes we talk on such themes, as though we to her
coevals and on the contrary. My grandmother as has blessed our

66. Я им про деньги, а они про любовь.

Hi my lovely ?????! I talked today to the agent and could not solve the
problem. As I already wrote to you, I did not expect that travel will
cost for me more expensively, than I expected, I asked the agent that
it is possible to make, but he has told, that it and the cheapest
tariff . I now do not know
what to make. I have no enough money to pay the rest of the contract.
Me does not suffice... I tried to find yesterday a little more money,
but it appeared difficultly. The damned money. I do not love money. ?????, I
in confusion. What to me to make? It is very awkward to me to make it,
but I am compelled to ask your help. You can help me?... I would not
ask you if so did not require your help... I assure you, that in the
future I shall necessarily compensate to you your charges. I allow a
word. I so want to see you. I need to pass through all difficulties to
get to you. Always so in a life. You aspire, you dream, and any
difficulty can spoil all. How you think, we can overcome this obstacle
together?.. What you on it will tell, my lovely? To me it is now
uneasy also to me your answer is necessary. I with impatience wait for
your letter. one thousand kisses!

67. Что люблю делать.

I like home life and doing things for my family - cooking, making my home comfortable. I love gardening. I like small cafes and restaurants, with beautiful music. I prefer the small, warm company of friends to big, loud crowds of a carnival. I enjoy good conversation. I like traveling, seeing new places, being in nature - the beach, sea, river, mountains. I like movement, fresh air and new experiences. I like the sea side most of all and I swim like a water-nymph.

68. Заебал, не присылай подарок!

You should understand me, my favourite ?????. Our mail works very badly. Your gift some months will be valid to go to me, in can and not achieve at all me. I do not wish to risk. I am very grateful to you and I appreciate your act. My darling, I am very grateful to you. But I all ask you to refrain from sending! In fact it will occur between continents! Know that? Leave your gift and when I shall arrive to you, you it present me! Well?

69. Сон про кладбище.
Dear mine. Today the dream has dreamed me. I wish it to tell to you. I simply should you tell it. I have already told it to my mum. Now I wish to share it with you. Only be not frightened, I not the madwoman. To me has dreamed, as though I go on a cemetery. I know this cemetery. It is on surburb of our city. There many our relatives are buried. And so. I went on a cemetery. There was a dark night, but around of me all was visible. I went just in that part where I are buried the grandmother and the grandfather (parents of the father), and other grandfather (the father of mum), and also other my relatives. At us so it is accepted, that all native try to bury nearby. I often was in this place. We gather with parents and we come here to recollect died. If it is fair, I am afraid to be on a cemetery. And if to present me there at night!!.... But strangely enough, in a dream I at all was not frightened of this! I went by tombs, approached to tombs of the grandmother, the grandfather, and to me it was not terrible at all though there was a night! And I heard voices! I did not understand words. But I I understood. That these voices kind. They it is tender about what spoke and even laughed. They were both man's and female. They were everywhere. They were born as if inside of me. And still... When I have touched an iron fencing which surrounds tombs it has appeared warm, warm! And in fact around it was cold! Then I have touched a cross, it too has appeared warm. The matter is that at us instead of gravestones put iron crosses. And so all around what I would not touch, was warm! And these voices... To Me it was not terrible at all! To me on the contrary was warmly and easy! Also it is at night on a cemetery! There can be it my native wished me happy journey? I have woken up such excited! I at once have told all to mum and have asked to explain to me a dream. Mum has told, that something is difficult to tell definitely, but she has told, that this dream to the best. she has told, that in general when it is dream relatives whom already send away in other world it to good. And can be dream me such unusual dreams of that I simply worry before forthcoming travel. Anyhow, but something in this dream is... How you think? What you on it will tell, my favourite ?????. I so am excited by all this, that simply should these share with you!

70. Мексиканские сериалы отдыхают.

Hi ?????. ?????, I want to begin the letter with a
question to you. Let's look at our situation in another way.. Let it
looks a little unusually and silly.. But let's try exchange places,
even for some time. Apply all imagination and present itself on my
place. It turns out? Is not present?.. I shall a little help you.
Present, that you the girl who was born and has grown in the Russian
city of Kazan. she had fine parents who loved her since the
childhood. The daddy of her always indulged, as he was allowed with
his opportunities, mum in turn understood, that on her education of
the daughter lays and tried to make of her the present woman that she
has grown the worthy person.. Small Girl grew surrounded with love and
care.. She looked at the world through pink glasses and all around
seemed to her fine and harmless. The life seem is filled with
happiness. Girl quickly grew and began to understand surrounding
validity very much early. For some reason actually all appeared not so
joyfully. With the years something has exchanged, and there can be
simply a trusteeship of parents began less and Girl at once has come
to be in the surrounding validity, not such hospitable as she would
like and sometimes even severe. Girl has quickly understood, that many
children's dreams including dreams of fine prince can simply remain
dreams. This girl was sociable and benevolent. She with ease could
make friends with people, she had many friends... Only FRIENDS!! And
so it would be desirable, that the favourite person when it is
possible to care about each other would be, to entrust to him the most
secret. When, at last, it is possible to splash out on him all
tenderness overflowing you and not spent love... We shall not hide,
she was beautiful and had a plenty of admirers. And the more became
these admirers, the more she was disappointed in the dreams of unique
love for all life!!! All men surrounding her represented the grey
homogeneous weight, not representing for her interest. About, do not
think, she was not vainglorious, with the overestimated
self-estimation. Simply she did not suffer lie, change and rage. Men
sometimes simply tried to get acquainted with her as with a beautiful
and brilliant toy, not reflecting that under a beautiful wrapper there
is still a soul... With such conversation was short. If to speak
roughly, She simply did not talk to such people. And so she also has lived till 26 years, not having learnt
in the life of true love. In represent her aspiration to find the only
thing the man if she has decided to search for him in another of the
countries?! She knew the English language and it has helped her to
place the structure on the American site of acquaintances. But here it
was found out, that structures of Russian people cannot be placed on
the American site. she had to go on a deceit and to give out herself
for the person from America. To her it was awkward for it, but she has
not refused the purpose put for. Once to her has written the man which
at once has drawn her attention. How you think, who was this the man?
he at once has liked her. She has written to him, he has answered
her... So her correspondence with for the present unfamiliar to her
the man began. Also that is interesting. Every day she began to catch
herself on ideas, that she would like to sit down a computer somewhat
quicker and to write to him the letter, that she with impatience waits
for his answer and worries as if the child when is going to read that
has written to her ????? which she with love named for herself Russian
name ??????. It was required to her a little time to understand, that
she is in love completely. Also that appeared the finest - he had
similar feelings!!! Small Girl as if has again returned to the
childhood! The life has again begun to shine for her all colors of a
rainbow!.. And apogee of all this history became their meeting... You
know, what this small Girl now faces to the loudest Event in the
life?.. She cannot already sleep week normally? She cannot make tea to
herself without incident at all because does not supervise the body?
In fact her soul has abandoned a body and not having waited him has
gone to to loved to the man?.. Well.. Now at me for you last question:
you a word, that I shall return to you all up to last cent. I shall
work as never, but I shall return to you everything even if we shall
decide to become the husband and the wife!! Now our joint happiness in
your hands. To you I shall decide with you or I shall stay Here having
disappointed in a life. I ask you, do not force my heart will stop..
Yes, I the strong woman, but at all am present a limit.. .. I hope
that I Now have written to you, it was clear to you in full details.
It very much, very much, is very important for me! Can count it a
confession. If all of you decide to give up to me, you should erase it
from memory of the computer and throw out everything, that I have told
from a head and from your heart.

I now
re-read the letter which has written, and I understand, that I was
sharp with you. Forgive me please. In me the present woman who is a
little offended now speaks. I understand, that I speak sometimes
insulting words, and I am angry on myself.. I should not so to speak
forgive. But know why I can allow myself it? I LOVE YOU....

Have good day. I wait for your letters. Yours &&&&&.

71. Если говорят, что письмастандартные.

Now I understand you and strange tone of the letter. You speak, that it not I write to you letters. But why. Understand, that I practically do not know you And consequently I ask to you standard questions on which I would like to receive answers. As I can learn you if you do not answer my questions. Certainly I wish to get acquainted with the good person and it is sometime obligatory to meet him. You have very much liked me, but I should learn you better. You at once have suggested me to meet you. (if I correctly have understood you) you should understand me. For me our relations are very important. I shall be again and to send again to you identical letters while you will not answer me all my questions! :) Understand, I the beginner in acquaintance on the Internet, and can be I make, something is wrong... But you should not take offence at me! Tell to me, you all still wish to continue with me correspondence? If yes, I with impatience shall look forward to your reply. By the way, forgive me for my delay with the answer. I have been awfully occupied on work, and I can use the Internet only once in day. You do not take offence at me?

72. Что такое сексуальность?

I think, that sexuality this complex concept. About the person it is impossible to judge his sexuality only on appearance or on a manner to put on. Sexuality is defined by many parameters. It and the manner to communicate with people, this relation to a life, it is ability to find common language with surrounding people, it certainly a self-estimation, confidence of. It at last ability to love and be gentle with the favourite person! All it participates in a collective image which "Sexuality" refers to. You understand me?

73. Всё с бабушкой орошо.

Yesterday I have arrived from my grandmother. My grandmother had very
strong illness, but now all in the full order. I and my mum have
bought to her very good medicine and now her health not in danger. I
and my mum very much were frightened, when have learned that with our
grandmother something happened. But now I and my mum are sure, that
with our grandmother all will be good.
And my grandmother has
told to me, that she wants to live till that time when she will have
grandsons. She very much wants, that I had children. In general now
all is good also we with you we can continue our correspondence.

74. Давай пораньше встретимся.

I very much appreciate it. But I hoped, that we can
meet you much earlier. For example in November. The matter is that I
can easily take holiday in it month and travel to you. In December and
January it will make difficultly as these months we have a lot of work
because of holidays connected happy New Year and Christmas.. Besides I
do not know what to tell in transport agency.. In fact they make out
papers and travel already in a stage of development... They wait from
me when I at last shall pay over the contract completely. About, no,
no, I at all do not wish to argue and lay down with you to you a
condition. I do not want, that you would endow working hours to meet
me. All will be as you will tell. I love you and I am always ready to
listen to your opinion. If you insist on January, I shall try
something to undertake, that all was so.. But I ask you to consider my
offer and to tell, whether there can be you me in November. If is not
present - I all shall understand that. I so wish to meet you! I can
look after you when you will get tired, I shall make you a tasty
supper, and then we shall long sit next having nestled to each other
and to talk about everything, that will come to us in a head... I now
simply am am overflown with ideas on us! I so worry, when I write this
letter. In fact I do not know, that you will answer me.

75. Как тебя зовут?
You are right Barbi is my pseudonym. Simply I have got used to it still since then when sat with friends in a chat. My present name - Tatjana. Can name me how it is pleasant to you more.

76 Бабушке помогаю!

You have asked me, whether was sometime on a farm. Certainly.

My grandmother lives in village. she has a facilities. she has a bird: hens and ducks. When there was an alive grandfather they had horses. I since the childhood love horses. Also my grandmother has a garden where she grows up various fruit. I often come to her and I help her to look after a garden.

77. Про погоду.

We now have cold weather. At us the snow has already dropped out. Soon to us the winter will come. In the winter at us it is a lot of snow. I like to ski in the winter. You are able to ski?

78. За слабый английский.

Forgive me for my weak English. It is very a pity to me, that you have difficulties with understanding. Though I wish to continue to write to you letters in English. I wish to continue to improve the English. When I write to you letters, I continue to study in English language.

79. Признание в любви и посещение России.

I thought, that this conversation all equally should take place. I did not think, that it will be so early. I represented it a little in another way. I represented it as though we sit with you under stars with a bottle of a champagne. To me it is a little cold, you embrace me, I nestle on you. In our souls the violin starts to play... Both of us we wish to tell each other the same, but we are not solved. At last you turn to me the face and steadfastly look me in the face. On my body the easy shiver runs. Both of us pending something very important. So important, that it will probably change all our future life! You speak me: " Tatyana, I should you tell it, I shall feel differently silly. I love you! And I want, that you always were with me! " And then you passionately kiss me. I cannot tell anything with happiness! I cry, but to crying with happiness. Inquire me, what with me? I through tears try to tell to you, that I always as soon as has learned you, wished to tell to you same most! I love you and I wish to be with you always. All life!... My dear, how to you my story? I have now written to you of what I dream. I am afraid of that I have written! I do not know, how you will react to it. I and earlier have told to you all it, but I was afraid of that you will reject me. You know, that all women in a soul are afraid to be rejected. Therefore they sometimes play from themselves proud and independent. And actually all women wish to love and be favourite! I not exception. And I think, that I have found the love! I hope. But I shall trust in it until in my breast knocks heart! Here, I have told to you about all motives on which I go to you on a meeting. Now you should me tell about all. You have to me the same relation? I ask you, tell to me. Now I wish to answer your question that we shall make further.. I think, that after I shall be at you, we could make together with you a trip on my native land. This hour per Russia all in another way! You do not learn Russia. she completely not such now as to you about it told earlier! It is better. I think, that here it is pleasant to you. My parents will be very glad to you. Unique lack which to you can is not pleasant, it that here is cold :)

80. Расскажи про родственников

You have asked me concerning my family. Yes at me it is a lot of relatives in Kazan. I have cousins and sisters who live here. Closest of them is my cousine who lives near to me. her call Marina. We with her are very similar against each other. I already sent you a picture, where we together. In Kazan basically there live relatives on my mum. Relatives on the daddy live in the city of Volgograd. You heard about this city? During the second world war this city has been completely destroyed, and then is anew constructed. And also I have many relatives across all Russia. For example, I have aunt Klava who lives in the north of Siberia! she such cheerful woman and yearly arrives therefrom to visit us.

81. Что ненавижу.

I do not love treachery and change. I can forgive to the person whom something has made to me bad everything, except for treachery!

82. Что думают родители о нашей встрече.

You ask me, what opinion my parents have that I want to arrive to you. Certainly they worry a little, as I fly very far. Parents are parents But they are glad, that I have found the man which is pleasant to me also to which I like! They are glad for us. I told him about you, about our ideas much. They count you the decent and kind person. They send the regards to you. With my parents there should not be problems. At last, I already adult woman also should make of the decision independently.

83. Если говорит, что живём далеко.

I understand you and your doubts because of long distance. But personally I do not see in it any problem. I think, that if people like each other and want to have relations the distance is not a problem. I can travel.

84 Как зовут-2

Dear mine ?????, I feel, that
I should apologize before you, that nearly has not confused you! I
have concerned to this thoughtlessly. Forgive, I should tell to you it earlier. Simply
I so have taken a great interest in our correspondence! You are right
Barbi is my pseudonym. Simply I have got used to it still since then
when sat with friends in a chat. My present name - Tatjana. Can name
me how it is pleasant to you more. I since the childhood so was named
by friends. Barbi is a nickname it was attached to me. I have already
got used to it. I never took offence at friends that they named me a
name of a doll. Therefore I was presented by this name. As I already
spoke I and in a chat with friends communicated a sort this name. I
thought you have guessed, that it only a pseudonym! Forgive me still
time. Barbi... Certainly parents in Russia do not give such names to
the children. Me so friends have named :) My present name sounds as
Tatiana Andreeva. Here now you know my name. I hope, that I have
cleared a situation!

87. Хорошая приписка про любовь.

I am in good mood after perusal of your letter!
My feelings to you grow with extraordinary force! These stay of
feelings to me so are pleasant also I need in your letters more and
more! I so am grateful to destiny, that we had a meeting in the
Internet. That has entailed to opening in me of new magnificent
feelings! And it does my life more beautiful and desired. I think that
you will make me the happiest woman in the world. But I worry a
little. You speak about me as about the perfect woman. I am afraid of
you to disappoint. You see it is known, that the ideal people does not
exist. To me your words are very pleasant. But I also hope, that you
have grown fond of me instead of that image, which you have drawn in
Imagination. Certainly I do not want to say, that I not that.
Certainly I wrote to you all sincere letters. I wrote to you from the
bottom of the heart. But I want to you to say, that I am not perfect,
as well as all people. I for example can be jealous. I can argue with
you, asserting the point of view on something :) I can a little lazy
:) (truth it be rare it happens). And more one idea has come to me in
a head. We have grown fond each other. And know why? Not because I or
you are ideal. Simply we very much approach to each other! We have
common sights on the world, on the validity, environmental us. We can
fine understand each other. It in spite of the fact that we belong to
different cultures! We are similar, and it is very good! You know one
very clever saying? One man at one time has said: " the LOVE is NOT
ONE PARTY ". What you on it will say? You agree with me? Certainly I
have told to the close people about our telephone conversation! With
me there was my girlfriend. She worried as well as I, whether I can
get through. She was very glad, when has seen my happy person after
our conversation. She the present girlfriend. Know between the girl
such friendship seldom meets. My parents too were very pleased, when
have learned about our conversation. The daddy has asked, whether we
have understood each other? I have said, that all was good also we
fine have understood each other. Dear mine, I very much like to be
divided with you by the ideas. I like depth of your ideas. We are
definitely interesting to each other. I wait for the answer from you
and I want to know your opinion on my words. I wait and I miss.
Millions kisses!!! Yours Tatiana.

88. Если говорит после 17ш, что не имеет денег для помощи.

Dear mine, you should not worry and be upset that you can not to me help!!! Calm down! I understand all. I shall try to find money. I shall save on everything to reach you. Let it will require of me of the large time, but I think, that our love will overcome test by time and distance! You agree with me? The agency has said, that will break off with me the contract, if I do not pay money in time. To me will come to pay the penalty. I think, what is it can detain my arrival to you. But I shall apply all efforts, that will correct this situation.

89. Что делала с друзьями после 4 шаблона.

You have asked me, I had what business with the friends. All is very simple. We with the friends went to choose gifts for the friend at whom it will be fast birthday. We for a long time argued what to choose. But at last have bought to him some interesting things.

90.Национальная кухня.

You ask me, from the Russian foodstuffs I am able to prepare for what dishes? I for example very much like to prepare for pel'menis. This dish is familiar to you? This national Russian dish. Mine the daddy very much loves pel'menis. They are balls of meat forcemeat which turn the test, and then cook. To submit them to a table it is necessary with any sauce. Process of preparation of pel'menis is very simple. The main thing - to not be mistaken in preparation of forcemeat. It demands skill as it will affect taste of all dish. Certainly a national dish are pancakes. They too prepare in a special way. First on in a frying pan the dough is poured, it not on is for a long time put in an oven. Then it is taken out and on notThe baked dough put "stuffing". It can be everything, everything, groats of various cereals more often are used. And then all this is again put in an oven. It is very tasty and nutritious. In general Russian national dishes very nutritious and high-calorie. From them it is possible to type{collect} quickly weight. Also I very much like to prepare for salads. I prepare different. My favorite is Olivier's salad. It is one of the first salads whom I have learned to prepare. I can continue very for a long time this culinary list, but I am afraid, that my letter will turn in the culinary book :)

91.Не пишет

My love, my life, my happiness, my pleasure!
I have come today in the Internet and was very much afflicted.
I so hoped and waited for the letter from you. I can not live without
You my sweet. I very much wait from you for the letter.
May, my sweet, I has afflicted you with the last
The letter? My happiness, I simply might not constrain
The feelings to you. I very much love you!
I should admit to you it, because
My love to you is very gentle and pure. My love
To you it is huge and infinite. And please, do not do
So it is hurt me, do not test my heart, my feelings!
My heart very tiny and it now belongs only
To you my prince! I give myself only to you, because
You my light, you my bright beam in horizon.
My star, very much does not suffice you to me, I very much miss
Without you. I need in you as day in the sun, as night
In stars and the moon!
I very much worry for you, what with you happened?
You may was ill? Please, my love, write to me
The letter.
I shall wait very much from you for news.

92. Куда бы хотела поехать.

If I could travel to any point in the world I would go to Egypt. I very much would want to look at the Egyptian pyramids.

93. Как зовут ваших котов.

I have two cats. Them call Barsik and Waska. They very active also like to play.

94. Про занятия спортом.

Whether you have asked me I am
engaged in sports? Yes. But now I am limited by gymnastics. I almost
every day make exercises, and also I am engaged in exercise for a
stomach. I carry out rises of a trunk. You know this exercise?
Sometimes I am wrung out on hands. Really, when people conduct an
inactive way of life and receive not enough physical loading, it is

95. Где была сделана фотография на теплоходею.

This picture has been made by the steam-ship during my travel on the river Volga. On coast of this river picturesque beautiful places are located.

96. Что за девушки изображены со мной на картине?

In my picture my girlfriend and my cousine have been represented. I and my cousine so are similar, that us sometimes simply confuse!

97. Я работаю парикмахером.

You ask me where
I work. I work as the hairdresser. I do to people various hairdresses. I like my work. I think the work as small art.

98. Где вы делали фото в бикини?

You have asked me where my
photo where I in bikini is made? it is made by the Black sea when I
went to have a rest to Crimea.

99. Какая одежда мне нравится.

You asks me concerning arrival to Moscow. It is quite good idea. There can be we could and meet in Moscow. You ask me what clothes is pleasant to me. As to you to tell... I like beautiful and convenient clothes. I for anything shall not carry clothes if it will be inconvenient. I like in clothes black, red and grey colors.

100. Как люблю заниматься сексом.

It is an intimate question. I do not know, that to you to answer. I shall tell only that I am very sexual, but also it is modest. I can be completely courageous with the favourite person. I like to be engaged in about what you have told with the person whom I love and I can trust him. There can be it there will be you? I to you could tell much, but I also have no wide experience in sex.

102. Вопросы и ответы.

2. Вы идете в церковь? Если так, какая церковь?
3. Какой стиль музыки Вы любите? Вы можете посылать мне песню, которую Вы любите?
4. Вы любите читать? Поэзия?
5. Whats ваш любимый цвет или цвета?
6. Где Вы видите себя через 5 лет? 10 лет? Цели Жизни?
7. Если Вы должны были двигаться сюда. Какая работа Вы делал бы? Все еще парикмахер или кое-что еще?
8. Я знаю, что Вы хотите семейство. Сколько детей Вы хотят иметь? Мальчики? Девочки? Оба?
9. В этой стадии наших отношений, Вы думаете я " один? " Тот Вы будет хотеть тратить(провести) остальную часть вашей жизни с?

2. I visit church, not so frequently but I believe in the god and I
too the Christian.

3. I like various music, to me to like to listen to classical music,
rock-n-roll, POP, and much all another. I like a song of group " the
Moral code ", which is called " the First snow ". It is a song about
love. She very much is pleasant to me. I somehow shall try to you it
to send.

4. I like to read Russian writers: Thick, Bunin, Dostoewskiy and
others. Also I like to read a fantasy. I have re-read almost all
products Bradbery. I do not read detectives and love novels.

5. My liked colour - green

6. I very much frequently think of the future. Probably each woman
reflects on it early or late. I very much would like to find in this
life the present love, complete tendernesses, By passion and human
care. Unfortunately now in Russia it is not easy to find The suitable
companion of life. I very much would like, that in my life I would
appear the man with which could To create happy family and to have
children. The man, to which I could trust most secret. The man for the
sake of which be necessary to live. The future is represented to me as
that that very good and kind. My desire pursues only one purpose it to
find the person which will grow fond of me and which would be shall
grown fond by me for that what to create family for ever. The silent
family cosiness is necessary for me. I want to have family to care of
the husband.

7. I know, that I the very active man and I want and I like to work. I
was taught on the hairdresser and I can do beautiful hairdresses. I
think, that I could be there quite good hairdresser. Also I always am
interested in other trades. I want to continue education. For example
I always would like to receive economic or legal education. I could
engage in trade. But I am not familiar with your laws. It is

8. I very much like children, I have no children, but in the future I
shall be glad to have children. I would like that kids ran on the
house and pleased parents. And when children will grow they will
please parents with the successes and to help the parents. I want to
have two children of the boy and the girl. It seems to me that it is
the biggest pleasure in life.

9. Yes, in this stage of the relations I think, that you that one,
with which I shall spend all life.

103. Про ревность.

Good question about jealousy. Simply I do not like, when the favourite person only mine! :) I the extremist at heart. It does not frighten you? :) Though I understand, that the jealousy is a silly feeling. If for jealousy there is no reason it can offend the close person and if for jealousy there is a reason the jealousy is already simply useless. You agree with me? Or you have other ideas?

104. Люблю животных.

You are completely right. I very much love animals. It is possible to tell, that I am engaged in favourite business. When I was small I constantly brought home the homeless or wounded animals. Sometimes our house reminded a small zoo! Mum was simply in a shock, but understood my love to animals and allowed to leave to me their houses for some time. When animals recovered, or there was for them an owner we gave their new owners. At me different animals lived. Once I have brought home a hedgehog. And also at us some time was lived by the pigeon. About cats and I at all do not speak dogs.

105. Какая одежда мне нравится.

Interesting question about clothes. I like to carry convenient clothes. As though the clothes were beautiful and qualitative, the main thing for me is a convenience. My favourite colors in clothes - red, grey, white and black.

106. Про прошлые отношения.

I thought, that had earlier serious relations, but it was not the love, and most likely love. We with my guy have understood, that we do not resemble each other. My guy was thoughtless and frivolous. I have quickly let to him know, that we not pair. I have simply taken also all to him have told. He certainly started to argue from me, but we have left. I already for a long time did not see him. I do not want to seem too proud cold girl. It at all so. Simply I увfжаю myself also should respect the the man. Here I have not met any man which I could respect (except for the daddy:)). And so, my last relations are absolutely not similar to what I have now with you. You more intellectual person and more interesting. Me pulls to you. And it is pleasant to me! You understand me?

107. Про секис.

Sex with the favourite man this large pleasure. But unfortunately I yet I have of the special man with which I can completely plunge into dreams of love and sexual imaginations.
I hope, that I am speed meeting that the man, whom I shall trust completely and near to which I shall feel is sure. I hope, that it you.

109. Проклятые деньги!

Forgive, but I want to write to you one more letter. I would like you to inform about much. It is very a pity, that we had these problems because of money. The damned money! How many because of them evil in the world. Sometimes money install mistrust and fear in people. Forgive, that I have addressed to you for the help I do not want, that you have lost to me trust. This most terrible, that with me can take place! I tried to do the utmost to find money. It is very uneasy for me. But not only for me, but also for my parents.

111. Мой рост.

You have asked me about my growth. My growth makes 170 centimeters. It approximately 5`6". You are familiar with metric system of calculation?

I congratulate on day of gratitude!

How there is a celebrating Day of Gratitude? I heard about this holiday a little. He is connected to aboriginals of America, i.e. Indians helped Europeans when those mastered continent.

113. Из прошлых отношений

From the last relations I have learned, that the most important for two loving people is a trust and respect to each other!


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Объяснение о том почему на праздинк любой не будешь долго писать ему

Привет мой милый ПЕНДОСИНА !!!!!! Прости что пишу тебе короткие письма, но к сожалению у меня очень мало
свободного времени. Все мое время busy работой. Мне наверное скоро начнется снится моя работа. Я очень сильно
устаю, но я понимаю что нужно работать. Мой босс выдал мне премию и в выходные дни я пойду покупать подарки
для своих подруг и родителей. Я хочу подарить подругам косметику и парфюмерию. Папе я хочу подарить хорошую
рубашку, а маме электрочайник. Сама себе я куплю хорошие духи. Я еще не знаю как буду праздновать Новый Год,
но у меня есть несколько вариантов. Праздновать дома с родителями и потом пойти гулять на Новогоднюю ель. Мой
босс обещал что наша фирма будет организовывать празднование Нового Года для всех сотрудников фирмы. Управление
фирмы хочет арендовать пансионат (база отдыха и восстановления здоровья), этот пансионат находится на природе.
Будут приглашены артисты и будет развлекательная программа и конкурсы, отдых будет продолжаться одну неделю. Мне
очень хочется поехать туда, но если мои подруги не поедут, я тоже не поеду. Фирма планирует банкет и проживание
для 50 человек, будут сотрудники фирмы и с других городов. Это здорово. Я очень нуждаюсь в отдыхе и восстановление
сил. Отдых за городом, на природе, это лучшее для меня. Я с нетерпением жду праздников. Мне очень хочется чтобы
скорее come Новый Год - год выполнения желаний и мечты, я надеюсь что все мои желания сбудутся. Как ты планируешь
праздновать рождество и Новый Год. Напиши мне, мне очень интересно. Целую тебя нежно мой милый ПЕНДОСИНА
Твоя Бабец