Novosibirsk Federal Security Service warns 57-year-old hacker against hacking the websites of NSU and the Ministry of Finance


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A 57-year-old resident of the Novosibirsk Region was cautioned by the Federal Security Service for attempting to gain unauthorized access to state information resources. An elderly hacker used virus programs to hack the websites of the Regional Ministry of Digital Development and NSU.

According to the press service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for the Novosibirsk Region, a man born in 1966" in order to study the information vulnerability of protected sites," used special programs to attack sites and, as a result, gain access to information from the Ministry of Digital Development and Communications of the Novosibirsk Region and the Novosibirsk National Research State University (NSU).

These hacking attempts were identified by law enforcement officers, after which the man was detained and a warning was issued about the inadmissibility of illegal actions. "Taking into account the existence of conditions in the activity of a citizen for committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Illegal access to computer information), in order to prevent it, the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Novosibirsk Region issued an official warning to a resident of Novosibirsk. In case of repeated similar situations, the citizen will be criminally punished," the ministry said in a statement.

It is noted that in 2023, 15 criminal cases have already been initiated against Novosibirsk residents for committing computer crimes, 11 citizens were also convicted, three were cautioned, and 13 were brought to administrative responsibility. Earlier it was told how a hacker from Novosibirsk and his accomplices stole millions of rubles from several companies in different regions of the Russian Federation using a Trojan virus and phishing sites.