NFC doesn't work on your phone. Solving the problem.


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Users sometimes encounter problems when paying via NFC. The most common problem is that the built-in module has stopped working. There may be several reasons for the breakdown. It happens that the owner of the smartphone simply forgot to enable the NFS in the settings. But sometimes there are more serious problems. For example, an error occurred when reading the tag, or the module stopped reading the device altogether.

  1. What to do if NFC technology doesn't work
  2. How to check if your device supports NFC
  3. Why NFC doesn't work
  4. NFC is disabled in the device settings
  5. NFC doesn't work in sleep mode
  6. How to make NFC not turn off in order to save battery
  7. NFC disabled in airplane mode
  8. NFC function is already activated
  9. There are metal objects between the mobile device and the placemark
  10. Your smartphone doesn't support NFC contactless payment
  11. Error reading an NFC tag
  12. When paying by phone via NFC, it returns an error
  13. Available troubleshooting methods
  14. Checking the active state
  15. Recommendations at the time of payment
  16. Additional actions
  17. Restore your smartphone to factory settings
  18. How to fix an error when paying via NFC using Mir Pay as an example

What to do if NFC technology doesn't work​

First, check if the gadget even has an NSF.

You can find out this information in the following way:
  1. Go to the main menu of your mobile device.
  2. Open the settings section.
  3. Click on the "Wireless networks" tab.
  4. In the list that appears, look for the NFC option.
When the module is enabled, there is a check mark next to the specified function. Either the slider is set to active mode. This is how it checks whether NFC is enabled on your smartphone or not.

If file transfer is still unavailable, then check for the module on the other device. The procedure is the same. If you don't have this feature on the second phone, you can't send documents via the NFS.
If NFC is available, but the transfer is not going on, then do the following:
  1. Open your gadget's settings.
  2. Go to "Wireless Networks".
  3. Select "HCE Wallet" in the security element.
NFC often doesn't work on the device due to incorrect parameters that are set in the power saving settings.

To solve this problem, you need:
  1. go to settings;
  2. open the item "Battery";
  3. click on "Save battery";
  4. find the NFC string;
  5. next to the specified label, select "Do not save".
For the built-in module to work properly, it is also important to periodically check your smartphone for viruses. They can block services related to data transmission. Including with the NSF.

On a note! In some situations, a simple reboot of the device can solve the problem. So try turning off your smartphone and re-enabling it. These actions can help restore the module's functionality.
If NFC is still not functioning, then the problem may be in the module. It could have failed.

In this situation, installing an external chip with an NFS will help:
  • sim card;
  • antenna;
  • mark.
These devices are available in almost any store that sells phones. They are inexpensive and do not require any special skills to install. The only thing – before buying, check the compatibility of the NFS with your smartphone.

The seller of the store where you buy the module can help you with this issue. After installation, immediately check the operation of contactless payment and data transfer. Everything should work correctly.

How to check if your device supports NFC​

There are 3 proven ways to find out if your smartphone has a built-in module:
  1. On the back of the phone case is marked Near Field Communication. Sometimes this label is found on the device's battery. Remove the back cover and check the label there. It is written at the top.
  2. The settings have NFC enabled. In this case, you don't need to disassemble anything. Open the device settings. Go to "Wireless networks" and click " More/Module". If there is an NSF in the list that opens, then the corresponding label will appear. The absence of such a label means that the module is missing.
  3. In the description of the mobile device. It happens that you are just going to buy a phone. Therefore, you don't have the physical ability to check for the module. In this situation, you need to go to the store's website and reveal the phone's technical specifications. Sellers always write about the availability of the NSF function. The second option is to view the description on the developers ' site.
If the gadget doesn't have NFC enabled initially, you can set it manually. For example, by purchasing a SIM card from your mobile operator with NFC technology.

Why NFC doesn't work​

NFC on smartphones may not work for several reasons. First, estimate the distance between paired devices. If it is larger than 10 cm, the option may not work correctly. The smaller the distance, the better the connection. Therefore, bring your smartphone close to another gadget.

If NFC still does not work, then you need to look for other causes of the malfunction. There are several of them.

NFC is disabled in the device settings​

You can check whether the module is enabled or not in the settings:
  1. Go to the "Settings" section. It is available in the main menu or on the desktop.
  2. Go to the "Connected devices" menu.
  3. We find the NFC label.
  4. Checking whether the slider is active. If not, then click on it.
Depending on the smartphone model, the procedure is slightly different. For example, the difference may be in the names of sections or individual menu items.

NFC doesn't work in sleep mode​

If the smartphone goes into sleep mode, NFC will not work.

To set it up, you need to:
  1. Go to the gadget settings.
  2. Open the "Screen" menu item.
  3. Select "Advanced".
  4. Click on "Sleep Mode".
  5. Set the desired time, after which the display will go out.
When connecting to another device via the NFS, keep the phone with the display turned on.

How to make NFC not turn off in order to save battery​

Follow these steps:
  1. Go to the device settings.
  2. Open the item "Battery".
  3. Select "Battery Saver".
  4. Click the NFC button.
  5. Set the "Don't save" option.
After updating the device's software, the settings may get lost. Therefore, you will have to perform these actions again.

NFC disabled in airplane mode​

In this state, the built-in module will not function.

The only option is to disable the "Flight" mode.
  1. We take a smartphone.
  2. Removing the lock.
  3. We go to the main screen.
  4. Swipe the screen from top to bottom to display a menu with phone functions.
  5. Looking for an airplane icon.
  6. Click on it to turn it gray. This means that the mode is inactive.
After completing these steps, we try to make a payment or transfer data via the NFS. The module should start working.

NFC function is already activated​

Sometimes the error occurs due to the fact that the device already has a program that uses the NFS enabled. In this case, there is only one way out. Close this app and try connecting to another device again.

There are metal objects between the mobile device and the placemark​

Do not place metal objects between the phone and the NFC tag when transmitting data. This causes the connection between the devices to be lost. The functionality of the module will be disrupted.

Your smartphone doesn't support NFC contactless payment​

If your device doesn't have this option, you won't be able to use it. This also applies to the second device. When pairing devices, an error will pop up reading the transmission via NFC.

To send data using the NSF, both gadgets must have a built-in module. In the absence of such technology, you can try installing the chip in your smartphone manually. For example, buy a SIM card or antenna with NFC. Or put a tag with the module on the case.

Error reading an NFC tag​

This error occurs because the device is incompatible with the tag.

To check this, follow these steps:
  1. Go to the tag developer's site.
  2. Open the "Compatibility" section.
  3. We find the model of your phone.
  4. We check compatibility with the chip.
If the gadget is not compatible with the NSF tag, then you will have to buy a different chip.

Why does NFC not work in Huawei Honor gadgets when transferring funds? Most models of this brand have a built-in module. However, contactless payments are made only through Huawei Pay.

When paying by phone via NFC, it returns an error​

This problem is especially relevant for those who use Google Pay.
  1. In the NFS settings, go to "Location of the security element".
  2. Instead of" SIM Wallet", select "HCE".
  3. Try making the payment again.

Available troubleshooting methods​

Let's say you have a Huawei Honor 30S smartphone. It has a built-in NFS module. You go to the store, select a product, and go to the checkout. During the payment, it turns out that NFC does not work on the Honor 30S smartphone. In this case, the procedure is as follows.

Checking the active state​

First, you need to understand whether the built-in module for contactless payment is enabled.
  1. open your phone's settings;
  2. go to "Connected devices";
  3. choosing the NFS;
  4. see if the slider is enabled.
If the feature is active, we check whether the payment app is added by default. You can see this here in the settings. Also make sure that you are making the payment with the correct bank card.

Recommendations at the time of payment​

For correct and fast debiting of funds, you need to follow several tips:
  • Correctly bring the device to the terminal at the checkout. The NFS chip is installed in the rear of the case. It is this side that you need to bring the phone. The ideal distance between the terminal and the gadget at the time of payment is up to 5 cm.
  • If there are metal objects in the case, then it is better to remove it from the phone. These items may prevent you from pairing with another device.
  • Check the specified password or pass the fingerprint check again.
  • The payment terminal must work with the NFS. If it doesn't have this feature, you won't be able to pay for contactless purchases. Unfortunately, such devices are not found everywhere.
  • Call your bank and find out if the card limit has been set. At the same time, check whether there is any available balance for debiting funds at all. It often happens that the cardholder tries to make a purchase using plastic that has run out of money.

Additional actions​

You can try clearing Google Pay services.

This requires:
  1. Open the gadget settings.
  2. Go to "Applications".
  3. Go to the page with the Google Pay program.
  4. Select " Memory "from the lists/Place Management".
  5. Click on the "Delete all data" button.
  6. Wait for the operation to complete.
  7. Go back to "Memory" and select "Delete updates".
At the end, restart the device.

Restore your smartphone to factory settings​

Before you start this process, do the following:
  1. Charge your phone. Resetting to factory settings may take 30-60 minutes. Therefore, it is important that the smartphone does not sit down while performing this task.
  2. Transfer your important files to another device. After recovery, all data on the device will be deleted. To avoid losing your contacts, export them to your SIM card.

To start recovery, you must::
  1. Open the device settings.
  2. Go to the menu item "System".
  3. Select the "Reset" tab.
  4. Click on "Restore Factory settings".
If NFC still does not work, then you need to go to the service center. Or go to the store if the gadget is still under warranty. The problem probably lies in the module. You may need to replace it completely.

How to fix an error when paying via NFC using Mir Pay as an example​

What should a user do if payment with the NFS via Mir Pay fails?:
  1. See if the module is active or not. Go to "Connected devices" and check whether the slider with the NFS is turned on.
  2. Open the "Contactless Payment" menu. In the "Default payment" section, select Mir Pay and click OK.
  3. In the "Use the default app" tab, select the "Always"option. The next time you make a payment, you won't need to re-set Mir Pei as the payment program.
  4. Go to the "Security Element Location" menu. Instead of" SIM Wallet", select "HCE". At the end, save the settings.
Now there should be no problems with reading the device and paying with the NFS. Make sure that your bank card is linked to Mir Pay in advance. You can do this in the payment app itself.

If you still have any questions about why NFC doesn't work, write in the comments and our expert will definitely answer you.