Kazakhstan launches mandatory fingerprint registration from 2024


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Starting from the new year, Kazakhstanis will be required to submit fingerprints.

Since January 1, 2024, Kazakhstan will begin mandatory fingerprint registration of citizens when issuing passports and identity cards. This was stated at a briefing by Nurzhan Dzhanabayev, Senior inspector of the Migration Service Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic, local media reported. Fingerprinting consists in fixing the features of the papillary patterns of the fingers.

The purpose of fingerprint registration is to protect the interests of a person, ensure their legal rights, preserve their health and safety.

All citizens of the country and foreign citizens permanently residing in Kazakhstan will be subject to this procedure. Exceptions are children under 12 years of age. Registration is voluntary for children aged 12-16 years.

Fingerprinting will be carried out in the PSC when issuing identity cards, passports, residence permits of a foreigner and certificates of a stateless person.

"Fingerprinting will be carried out by Kazakhstanis who receive or change their identity documents for various reasons for the first time. For example, in case of expiration, change of last name, first name and patronymic, loss or theft of a document, " the department clarified.

According to the Ministry, fingerprint registration will strengthen protection against illegal registration of documents and speed up the procedure for their recovery. In addition, fingerprinting guarantees rapid identification in case of accidents and will allow the future use of biometric data to obtain public services.

The Ministry also noted that fingerprint registration will simplify the procedure of crossing the state borders of other countries for Kazakhstanis. If a citizen loses his passport abroad, he can apply to a foreign institution of Kazakhstan and report on passing fingerprinting for simplified document recovery.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs also emphasizes the importance of fingerprinting for people with memory loss and in situations where a person cannot provide information about themselves. Fingerprint registration can help you find missing relatives or identify an undocumented person who ends up in a hospital.

The department clarified that fingerprint information is subject to protection, which is guaranteed by the state. In addition, the database will contain only a unique identifier, personal data of the full name and IIN are not included in it. Thanks to the very structure and architecture of the system, depersonalization of fingerprints occurs automatically. Currently, the authorized body is testing the system for compliance with information security requirements.

Administrative responsibility is provided for refusal to pass the mandatory fingerprint registration.