India arrests author of sophisticated bank fraud scheme


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Police in India have completed a large-scale investigation of a bank scam, the victim of which was only one person who lost, however, 5.7 million rupees (6.64 million rubles). The local edition of The Tribune clarifies that the author of the scheme was a customer relations manager of one of the largest banks in India — HDFC.

Tired of surviving on the salary of an ordinary bank clerk, Sukhjit Singh decided to take action. He searched the databases for elderly people, as well as people who are not residents of India (that is, they have not lived in the country for a long time or rarely come to it), but at the same time have serious savings in their accounts. An important condition was the presence of a phone number linked to the account, which was already disconnected from the network due to a long downtime. After some time, such numbers are reissued and they go on sale again.

After a long search, Singh came across the account of Ramandeep Grewal, who has lived in the UK for a long time and did not perform any manipulations with the account, nor did he use online banking applications. Singh called the victim's number and realized that it had already been reissued and had fallen into the hands of a new owner.

Having acquired several accomplices, Singh lured the new owner of the SIM card to a meeting, where, promising to get him a job at HDFC, he took and copied all his documents. After that, the accomplices re-registered the number for themselves and gained access to one-time passwords, which, according to the banking system, Greval still received. Then, with simple manipulations, they hacked into the victim's online banking and transferred the entire amount available there to the accounts of three members of the group.

Curiously, Greval himself found out about the fraud when the case was already in the investigator's office. Suspicious transactions from his accounts were noticed by one of the HDFC verifiers, thanks to whose vigilance it was possible to unwind the entire chain.