"I'm not Dmitry Khoroshev!": the head of LockBit declares war on the FBI


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LockBitSupp gave an exclusive interview in which he dispelled myths about his personality.

In an exclusive interview with Click Here (Recorded Future), a representative of the LockBit group, known under the pseudonym LockBitSupp, strongly rejects the assumptions about his identity presented by international law enforcement agencies.

LockBitSupp stressed that he is not Dmitry Yuryevich Khoroshev, who was recently sanctioned by the United States, Britain and Australia and is accused of 26 criminal offenses. In addition, the US announced a reward of $10 million for information that will help to arrest him.

In an interview transmitted via an encrypted messenger and translated from Russian, LockBitSupp claims that the FBI "fabricated the case" and expressed regret over the possible fate of the real Dmitry Khoroshev: "The FBI is bluffing, I'm not Dmitry, I feel sorry for the real Dmitry. He will pay for my sins."

Despite the seizure of the group's servers and infrastructure by international law enforcement agencies in February, LockBitSupp claims that its activity level has not decreased, and a seasonal decline in activity in the spring is common. The LockBit ringleader also stresses that law enforcement pressure only motivates him and his associates to work harder.

LockBitSupp expressed confusion about the methods of investigation used by the FBI, claiming that there is no evidence of its involvement in the activities of Dmitry Khoroshev: "How did they decide that I am Dmitry Khoroshev? Based on what facts? Where is the evidence? I always thought that the United States is a state governed by the rule of law, where you can't accuse an innocent person without proof. I was wrong."

LockBitSupp says its goal for the coming years has not changed: to attack a million companies. He expressed hope for the emergence of worthy competitors in the field of malware development, criticizing the current "competitors"for their lack of skill.

At the end of the interview, LockBitSupp invited you to join his partner program and "enrich yourself with it," emphasizing that the FBI and other law enforcement agencies "lie and think only about their careers, not caring about the fate of innocent people."