How to effectively allocate your time during your carding studies? Eisenhower Matrix.


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Today we will tell you about a method that will help you to properly allocate time in the educational process. It is especially recommended to use it when you need to prepare for several important exams at the same time.

The Eisenhower Matrix is one of the most popular time management tools. The founder of this matrix is the 34th President of the United States, Dwight David Eisenhower.

How to build a matrix? First, state in your mind the goal you are striving for. Next, divide the field into 4 quadrants and distribute all your affairs according to them, correlating them with the set goal.

Tasks A "Urgent - Important"
Cases that are very important and urgent. These things need to be done today, first of all and without fail. Examples of important and urgent matters: doing work that is about to be due, an urgent visit to the doctor, or an urgent phone call.

Objectives B "Not urgent - Important"
These affairs are the most important and promising, and it is from them that the daily tasks of any person should consist. It has been noticed that people who are mainly engaged in the affairs of this quadrant achieve the greatest success in life, get promoted, earn more money and have enough free time. An example is solving problems to prepare for the exam.

Tasks C "Urgent - Not important"
Most of the activities in this quadrant are distracting and do not bring a person closer to the intended results. Often, they simply interfere with focusing on the really important tasks and reduce efficiency. For example, all sorts of unplanned, imposed meetings that cannot be refused.

Objectives D "Not urgent - Not important"
The tasks in the last quadrant are of no use at all. In many cases, it is useful not only to tackle them last, but also not to tackle them at all. Although you definitely need to know about them, tk. they are the “time eaters”. These tasks include watching TV, long chats with friends on the Internet, and the like.

As soon as you master the Eisenhower matrix and learn how to correctly distribute your affairs within it, you will notice that you have a lot of new free time, you have time to do everything in a timely manner and without haste.


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The Matrix is constantly trying to place you in the categories of the mind. How does this happen? As a child, you can ask a huge number of questions about who created us, why and why something is happening, etc. Already here you can be limited to the categories of the mind.

When asked who created God, parents can tell you that you shouldn't think about this nonsense. That is, you are being instructed not to think about such questions at all. As a result, you get entangled in the matrix of the system at the level of knowing yourself and the divine.

You may ask a question about why we reproduce in this way. In response, adults say: "When you grow up, you learn." Everything, your knowledge is closed. You grow up and classmates tell you that there is $ ex, pornography, the animal world, so you can see how it is done. Somehow, at the level of the mind, you are trying to understand something in these categories.

How else does it get stuck in the categories of the mind? It happens that you have depression, apathy and weakness. Friends advise to go to a psychoanalyst. There you name your associations for different words according to the Freudian method and spend millions of rubles to communicate with a person who endlessly leads you by the hand in the categories of the mind.

Does this improve happiness? Maybe in six months or a year you get some kind of relief, but in fact, almost always the root cause is not solved, and the problem often comes back.

The fact is that from the point of view of psychology, the problem cannot be solved by more than half. We are conscious beings, we are souls. Psychology is the science of the soul. Head trying to understand the soul? It's like walking up to a five-year-old and asking him how a car engine works.

Understand who is whose child: is the mind the primary source, or is it still consciousness, which is the basis of everything, and perceives reality and life? At the level of logic, you are not able to solve a problem; at the level of consciousness, you are able to solve all problems.

Therefore, Psychomagic is the magic of the soul, and magic is understood as an infinite truth. In ancient times, sages were called magicians, and not some people who are now shown on TV, where they remove damage and curses.

Now this idea has been spoiled by those who make money on superstitious people, for which they then bear a huge responsibility, including legal. Therefore, in any case, do not limit yourself to the mind, focus on a conscious mental approach.