How stores are protected against carding and how to circumvent it. About antifraud.


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There are three main components of carding that you can't work without:
-The first component is a well-configured PC, you need to strive for the ideal that any system identifies as the cardholder.
-The second component. Any system that protects against carders has a certain vulnerability, through which we can write off money and thereby successfully earn money. Vulnerabilities are found almost everywhere, the main thing is to learn how to find them.
-Third - material(maps, logs). It doesn't matter how perfectly configured the PC is and what a leaky store it would not be, the material must be fresh, with a guarantee that no one has used it before.

This article will focus on the second component. How to find stores with vulnerabilities. How does theft protection work?

The essence of a carder's job is to constantly have up-to-date information on how to work. Most of the information is still there, but there is one that is changing, for example, today one bank does not give anything, and after a week it also gives everything in a row and does not issue additional protection anywhere.

As it was with me, when I started, I went through a training course, they gave me a minimum( they told me about several types of cards that do not have protection and gave me 2 stores with weak antifraud), then I started working and tried to drive cards into different stores, tried to drive new cards into proven stores, in short, I started doing my own developments and expand opportunities, as I understood the essence, I began to expand opportunities.

So, how does the system determine the degree of risk of a transaction, whether it will be recognized as harmless and approved, or forwarded first to the analyst for review, or immediately classified as fraudulent and rejected.

The so-called anti-fraud system is being protected. This is the official name where (anti) - against, (fraud) - fraud. Antifraud systems are different, they are created and modified every day, but all in order to sell to store owners, pure marketing. The richer the store owner and the larger the brand, the more serious the protection and harder it is to circumvent it.

Antifraud attacks are different, but their mechanism is similar. As soon as a purchase is made, the AF (anti-fraud) checks whether the card was merged into the darknet, checks the card data/ first name and last name and geolocation with the location of the cardholder, then analyzes the PC for whether any fraudulent actions were performed from it. At the time of making a transaction, your entire PC and card data pass through a large number of security filters and if they match the database, they are counted in the stop list. If they do not match from their database, then it skips the transaction and you can rejoice.

It sounds intimidating, it would seem that everything is so serious. But everything is not so that antifraud is always working, you need to update the databases, support updates and deal with them, which some store owners do not do. And in order to circumvent such antifrauds of this kind, you need to make a little effort, I'll tell you:
  1. You need at least one service / store with weak anti-fraud to have an idea of how this works. Next, we start looking for similar ones, there are many options, I will not reveal my cards here.
  2. We buy several cards and start buying something from each store we selected. Did it work? great, you can safely add it to the list and work.
Some people don't understand how and where to send products when you buy them. There are certain services that give you the address where the drop will come and collect it, and then sell the parcel itself. There are services for regular stores, and there are those who are specifically for PayPal, where the work is slightly different, I'll tell you later.