Fake cards on store shelves – a new way to fight fraud


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The Japanese police used their example to show an effective way to protect citizens from money theft.

The vx-underground service reports that the Japanese police have implemented an unusual method of combating fraud aimed at the elderly. Fake payment cards designed to warn victims of online fraud can now be found in stores in Fukui Prefecture.

The cards are called "Trojan Virus Removal Payment Card" and "Late Payment Card for Unpaid Bills". The Echizen City Police project is designed to warn older people who want to get payment cards on the job of fraudsters.


Fake payment cards in the store

Fukui Prefecture has suffered about $7.5 million in damages from various types of Internet scams over the past year. In January 2024 alone, 14 complaints of investment fraud were registered, with a total loss of about $700,000.

Fake cards are placed in the digital goods departments of 34 local stores. Store employees are informed about the purpose of the cards, and when customers try to purchase them, employees explain to customers that they are victims of fraud.

This method has already helped two elderly men who were deceived and thought that their computers were infected with viruses, and who were offered to pay for cleaning the system.

During the program, the police also reward store employees who help identify and prevent fraud, which allows not only to warn potential victims, but also to additionally investigate fraudulent schemes. The initiative has already received positive responses and shows its effectiveness in the fight against cybercrime.