Estimate the Sales of Any Amazon Product


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A FREE guide exclusively for Alphabay.

Have you ever wondered how to estimate the monthly sales of any product on Amazon? This is a critical part to selecting a product to sell on Amazon.

With this guide, I will teach you how to take any product on Amazon's US marketplace and determine its sales. You maybe surprised how much money even the most simple products are making.

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Thanks for checking out this free tutorial on determining the monthly sales of any product. There’s an incredible opportunity to make a great full-time income on Amazon right now. Amazon allows the everyday guy, like me or you, to launch a product, create a brand, and start a full time business with very little startup costs.

So, let’s jump right in.

Let’s take a simple product that everyone with a car has: a license plate frame.
Let’s search for a license plate frame on Amazon:

As you would imagine, there are a bunch of results on the fist page. Here’s what’s showing up at the top of the search results for “license plate frame:”

It looks like there are 3 different brands in the top 3 search results: Ohuhu, Oxgord, and Sunplus Trade.

Have you heard of any of those brands before? I sure haven’t. How much could an Ohuhu license plate frame possibly be selling?

To determine, let’s click on the listing.

Here’s the main part of the product listing. Most people don’t pay attention to any part of the page other than this section and the reviews.

However, if you scroll down you can find some pretty interesting info. Best Seller’s Rank is Amazon’s ranking for how well that product is doing in a particular category. We care about the number at the top of the Best Sellers Rank section. For this product, it is ranked #43 in the Automotive category.

Let’s take that number and plug it into a tool at

Select the Automotive category and enter the BSR of 43.

As you can see, this product is selling an estimated 2,322 units per month. The listing price of this product is $11.99. So, we can estimate the monthly sales:

$11.99 x 2,399= $28,764.01

So this seller is making sales of almost $29k EVERY SINGLE MONTH for a license plate frame.

Did Ohuhu invent the license plate holder?

Are they a major brand that you have heard of?

Is their license plate special? Is there something different about it versus the one on your car?

No, no, and no!

This is just a regular license plate frame. And with this one simple product. Ohuhu has a business that generates an estimated $345k a year.

To me, this is fascinating. Could you imagine having a business that generates $345k a year? And you don’t have to reinvent the wheel to create this kind of money.

I teach people to create businesses like this. I’ve been operating a successful Amazon business for several years now and am giving back to the Alphabay community. If you’re interested in learning how to create a successful Amazon business, check out my guide exclusively on Alphabay:


I have sold over 80 copies of my Amazon guide so far and am getting great feedback from the Alphabay community:


Very eye opening information great guide.
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Really good content A++

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