Durov against closing the Hamas telegram channel: is it worth sacrificing transparency for security?

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Pavel Durov shares his thoughts in a recent statement.

Telegram creator Pavel Durov expressed his opinion on the situation with the Hamas telegram channel. In his statement, he stressed that blocking the channel can upset the security balance, while keeping it open helps to ensure transparency of the group's actions.

Durov drew attention to the complex issue of maintaining user safety and, at the same time, the need to counter terrorism. He stressed that the closure of the Hamas channel could lead to an increase in the activities of terrorist groups in the shadow sector of the Internet, which will make it difficult for law enforcement agencies to monitor their activities.

"Blocking channels can lead to the transition of communication to closed or shadowy platforms, which will make it difficult to control and prevent terrorist activities," Durov said.

The creator of Telegram also stressed the importance of transparency and openness of the platform to ensure the security of the user community. He called for a deeper analysis of the situation and the search for compromise solutions that could meet the needs of all parties and ensure security in the digital space.

This situation has caused an extensive public outcry and controversy regarding the responsibility of platforms for the content that is distributed through them, as well as the possible risks and consequences of such decisions for society as a whole.