"Complete the survey, pay tax, we will refund"


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I study at a university, receive a scholarship, and at the end of the year I was hoping for a double amount - for special success. Not wait. On New Year's holidays, money is needed: to buy a gift for parents, girlfriend and friends. An advertisement for making money on the Internet caught my eye.
I clicked on the ad, I thought I was working in network marketing, my friends were doing it. It turned out that you only need to fill out the questionnaire. The scheme is simple: I register on the site, enter the data, and receive $ 5. Maximum four applications per day. I hoped to earn $ 50 in three days and solve all the problems.
I found realistic reviews on the company's website, and over time, new ones appeared. Users described a similar situation, it pushed me.
I answered the questions. Nothing complicated: what phone do I use, what kind of car I want to buy. After each survey, they asked to transfer $ 2 of tax from the card through the site, later they promised to return the percentage. I translated. They promised to transfer money for the questionnaires at the end of the day, but they were not. I decided to sort it out in the morning. I woke up and saw an SMS that all the money had been withdrawn from the card.
In a panic, I called the bank and blocked the card. Then my mother dealt with the situation. As a result, it was hard from the parents, but the money from the card was never returned.

Financial Culture Expert:
Sometimes a company is actually willing to pay to take a survey to learn more about its potential customers. The cybercriminals also offer a monetary reward for completing the survey, but before that they are asked to enter payment information and transfer a symbolic amount - "tax". This is how scammers get both money and information. An advertisement, a link in an email or on social media - there are many ways to get to the site.

How to distinguish online marketing surveys from scams?
  • Marketing surveys involve focus groups: housewives, students, retirees, and so on. The criteria for the selection are determined for the participants. Fraudsters, as a rule, offer "easy money" to everyone.
  • Marketing surveys are one-time promotions. Members are not offered regular earnings or large sums. If the situation is reversed, it is most likely cheating.
  • The main feature of marketing surveys is that you don't have to pay to participate.
  • To take part in this survey, you will not have to provide any information about your card, except for your card number - in rare cases, when participation is expected to be paid. Neither the code from the turnover, nor the numbers from the SMS, nor the expiration date and the name of the holder should be provided.
If you have become a victim of a pseudo-questioning on the network, urgently call the bank and block the card. Then contact the police.