Carding Method Electronic Goods (Easy Money)


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Judge for yourself, on average, shops send goods worth $ 300-500 to a regular card (not enroll). This is exactly what falls under the minimum wage of dropouts. Nobody buys goods cheaper than $ 300 (although I xs, maybe there are unique ones). A newbie will not be able to do a liquid, and no one will give him unique drops. This means that the address is dead, and the chance that there will be a delineation because of the address is high.

With Enroll, too, not everything is so sweet, most banks already require too much data for a roll, which is more and more difficult and sometimes impossible to break through. Moreover, if you buy cards in shops, then making a roll out of the card there - you need a lot of luck.

Even if a beginner manages to make some kind of product worth $ 500 and the drop does not throw, then he will receive $ 100 for payment, and often even less. Interest for illiquid assets - 20%. In the shop, the product costs $ 500, and the drop guide will calculate according to the minimum salary, where the minimum salary for the product will already be $ 450. Total $ 90, 3-4 days of waiting, possible spending on calls , cards, socks. At best, 60 bucks will come out clean there. And considering how many drives will be in the empty space, risks and time are an extremely bad idea. But you need to learn a thing, with time it will be possible to take clean drops and make MacBooks on them, there is already other money. Smart clothes make goods for $ 40-60k per week, and get 30-40% from it. Which is pretty good already. But let's not talk about it.

It is much easier to buy an electronic product and immediately sell it for 50-60-80%. Moreover, the percentage varies only from the fact how quickly you need the money. Are you ready to wait? Get 80%. Want Here and Now? Get 50-60%.

Now we are talking about the digital codes of various cards by type: iTunes, PSN, Xbox. They're pretty easy to card on a large number of sites, and sell just as quickly. Buyers can be found on forums like wwh. A little later there will be an article with an overview of forums about carding.
In fact, such buyers are like dirt. The business is profitable, the risk is minimal, the exhaust is good. Moreover, you can start with a budget of 1.5-2k bucks. Invested $ 50, received $ 80, net $ 30. Not bad?

Consider this by driving on the example of the well-known site

To work with it, we need:

1. Clean sock (clean for BlackList and ProxyScore).
I do not recommend taking socks from popular services, ads that you can see everywhere. Better use the good old service.
I myself have been using it for about 3 years already. For some reason, unlike other services, this one always has the necessary proxies for the state.

2. Valid USA card.
Personally, I myself have been buying in the store for a long time

Based on my experience and the experience of many of my friends in the suite, 90% of the cards shoot at a decent amount.

3. Register email.
Here I can advise you to use, or
It is important to choose the sox for the state and city of the map you will be using. Therefore, before buying a card, check the availability and purity of socks in your socks service, only then buy a card.

Step one:
We register email. I usually choose, less often The role does not play a special role in this case.

Step two:
Go to the site and click here:

In order not to paint for a long time - just register an account there. It's easy.
After you have created an account, do not forget to confirm your email.

After completing all the operations, click here:

It's kind of like buyer's protection. With the help of this shit, we will screw our card. You should get into such a panel, and there click Add new card

Enter your card details (Number, expire, cvv), and do not forget to check the box Remember my details for future purchases.
If the card is valid, then 1 cent will be debited from it, and it will be linked. The floor is done. Now wait at least 30 minutes, and ideally two hours. Here at your discretion. Just close all tabs and get on with your other business.

After a while, we return to the site, and drive in the search for what we need to buy. In my case, it's a $ 60 Xbox Gift Card. It can be sold for $ 30.

So, select it, click Buy Now.

Next, check the box that we agree with everything.

Choosing pay now
Choose Credit Cards - the very first menu item.

If you linked a card before, and did not forget to tick the box as I said, you will see the following:

Click Pay Now, and if all is well, you will see

After that, you will need to wait from 5 to 40 minutes (on average it takes 30 minutes), and while you wait, the following will be sent to the mail:

You can calmly go about your business, after 30 minutes (on average) the following will come to the mail:

Everything, go to the site, take the code, and run happy to sell it to any buyer. At a cost of $ 10-15, the exhaust is $ 15-20. On a day, you can do as many drives as you like.

And it would seem that here it is, a gold mine. There are 20 drives a day, and $ 300 in your pocket. But not everything is so simple. This lousy site often allows you to link a card, and even gives you payment, but then it does not give you the code. He simply does not write off money from the card for some reason. You should not be upset if it did not work on this site, feel free to run to other shops. There are a whole bunch of shops selling such gift boxes. Some ask to receive SMS, some do not.

Also keep in mind that USA cards are beaten by every second student. Feel free to take other countries. Back in September I was carding the same g2a from the maps of Norway.
Here are a couple of us bins to give you a seed:

After you have received the key, do not hesitate to go to the shop again and make a reorder.

The next chapter will be about delivery (shipping) for drops (drop is a specially trained person to receive and send parcels)