Beginner's Guide to Free Bank Drops


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I like to create basic guides so beginners and newbies to the scene can get started in this business without spending too much money (or any).

Today's guide I'll be explaining how to acquire free bank drops. A lot of my guides require basic to intermediate (even advanced) social engineering skills.

If you're not familiar with the term social engineering:

"Social engineering is the act of manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential information, rather than by breaking in or using technical cracking techniques; essentially a fancier, more technical way of lying.[1] While similar to a confidence trick or simple fraud, the term typically applies to trickery or deception for the purpose of information gathering, fraud, or computer system access; in most cases the attacker never comes face-to-face with the victim.

"Social engineering" as an act of psychological manipulation was popularized by hacker-turned-consultant Kevin Mitnick. The term had previously been associated with the social sciences, but its usage has caught on among computer professionals."

I'd recommend reading some articles on social engineering on g00gle or even some psychology books from the library to understand human thought. But for now I'll give you some tips and tricks from me.

What we'll want to do is convince someone to use their personal bank account to accept transfers on your behalf. To do this we'll be posting fake online job advertisements on websites like craigslist and other sites similar to that.

The first thing you'll want to do is create a job advertisement, something to do with entry-level bookkeeping or work-at-home/telescommuting jobs.

For example;

"Small office requires (1) entry-level bookkeeper to assist with payment records and other office duties.

Our company is a new internet-based web and graphic design company that does work for most health-care related websites.

We require one part-time/full-time bookkeeper. This position will start on-call and eventually become full-time if we see that you're right for the company.

This job will be telecommuting (you will be working from home, we will provide all the software you need).

Please send your resume.

Only qualified candidates will be contacted."

You'll get a shit storm of resumes but don't be fooled, you'll have to weed out through a lot of them. You think you wouldn't because you want as many people emailing you as possible but a lot of people are smart.

You'll want to avoid contacting people who are university graduates or people with a lot of experience with bookkeeping or office work because they'll see through what you're trying to do.

The best thing to do (and please don't get offended) is to contact people that have spanish/latino/middle eastern/asian type of last names and who have poor english with not a lot of experience because they're not too familiar with what's going on, they probably won't understand a lot of what you're trying to do and will willingly do whatever you ask them.

Another thing to do is look for students. Highschool kids are perfect for this because they're young, naive and don't know any better.

The next thing you'll want to do is send them an e-mail with some history of your company and tell them that you'll be accepting payments and keeping record of all transactions of the company. All of the payments will be sent to them by bank transfer and they'll have to record it, keep track of all the payments and send them to your 'company' e-mail each time.

Next tell them to download Skype as that's what your company uses to communicate with customers and employees so you'll need to make an new skype specifically for your 'company'.

Talk to them a bit, give them a bit of an 'online interview' to kind of test the waters and make sure they're dumb enough to go through with this.

Once you've established some trust with this person tell them you'll be contact them within a day or a few days because you're just finishing off a project for a customer.

Use this time to purchase a bank login (from a verified seller for your sake and always use forum escrow!) it's best to use the same bank so if your new employee has BoA as their bank get a BoA login.

Do what you gotta do. Once your employee receives the 'payment' from the imaginary customer you'll want your 'employee' to send you the funds. This is up to you how you want to receive it.

Again, social engineering works wonders here. If you can convince them to send you the money through WU then go ahead. Tell them something like you keep track of payments through western union because it gives you a paper trail of all of the payments your customer makes so you can keep record of everything.

Find a way.

Also, it would be good if you create a basic website for your company to seem more believable.

Anyways, this is a very basic guide. If you're just starting out and have no money, don't have the ID's and docs to open your own drop then this is always worth a shot.

The success rate varies from person to person, it all depends of how well you convince them.

Good luck, if you have any questions just post in here, don't clutter my inbox.

If you found this guide useful feel free to give me +rep and I will write more for you guys.


(c) livethebeat specifically for
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Nice post, you should make a website for your company and put a form there also