Be honest about security: how to find out the IP address of the interlocutor in Telegram


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Denis Simonov, a developer known under the pseudonym n0a, said that his utility "Telegram get remote IP" allows in some cases to determine the IP address of the interlocutor from contacts in the Telegram messenger. To do this, you need to analyze network traffic using the STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) protocol, which is used to establish a connection between users.

Simonov said that he rewrote the utility's code in Python instead of Bash, which increased its stability. You can read more about the technical side of the project in the blog of the author of Telegram get remote IP.

To work with the utility, you will need a computer with a Linux or Mac operating system, on which the console version of Wireshark (tshark) and the desktop version of Telegram must be installed. The utility is also compatible with Android smartphones via the Termux app.

To get the IP address of the interlocutor in Telegram, you need to be in contact with each other in the messenger. Then you need to run the Telegram get remote IP script and call the interlocutor in Telegram, and after a few seconds reset the call.

Messenger representatives explained that by default, peer-to-peer connections are active only for calls between contacts. For all other cases, calls are routed through Telegram servers, providing an additional level of privacy. That is, if someone you don't know calls you to "try to find out your IP address", only the IP address of Telegram itself will be available to them.

Users who want to enhance their privacy can disable peer-to-peer connections in the messenger settings as follows: Settings > Privacy > Calls > Peer-to-Peer (Never).