A 26-year-old betting enthusiast decided to buy an account for easy earnings, but lost 12 million


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They added this amount to their account, but lost access to the page — the partner changed their password and stopped contacting them.

Yegor is very fond of betting. However, almost all of his bookmaker accounts were blocked. Then, in early January 2024, Yegor came up with a top idea. He found out that his new friend Anton has a great betting account, with a total of about 10 million lost on it — such accounts are not blocked for a long time and cost good money.

Yegor met with the owner in Moscow City and offered to give him an account to use for 200 thousand rubles. Anton was not satisfied with this amount, so he offered to rent the account — for 20% of the net winnings from bets. The guys slapped their hands and left. Yegor replenished his account with 12 million personal savings, but it didn't work out, for the first month the balance dropped to 11 million.

However, the main disappointment awaited him the next day: on the morning of February 14, Anton changed his password without his partner's knowledge and disappeared from all radars.

After several unsuccessful attempts to contact Anton, Yegor filed a police report.