7 ways to make a fraudulent website attractive to customers


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Today's customers have a wide range of attention span in e-commerce, making capturing their attention a number one priority. Your site needs to get customers to respond as soon as they visit so they don't switch elsewhere.

Building an attention-grabbing e-commerce site is not an easy task. It is a careful balance between making the site functional, attractive and informative. If you go too far in either direction, you will end up disappointing potential customers and losing out on the sale.

Fortunately, with the expansion of the e-commerce sector in recent years, e-commerce website owners have learned a lot through trial and error. As a result, we now have a pretty good idea of ​​what customers expect from a website in terms of design and functionality.

If your scam e-commerce or drop finder site isn't attracting as many customers as you'd like, you should work to optimize its attention-grabbing potential. And if you're not sure where to start, try the following eight tactics.

1. Minimizing download times
The first few seconds after a visitor arrives at your site is critical. In this short amount of time, they will decide whether to stay on the page or return to the SERP that will lead them to your site. And if they spend those precious few seconds waiting for your site to load, they won't harbor any goodwill towards you. So make sure your site loads lightning fast with dedicated hosting, image compression and script miniaturization.

2. Use colors that are attractive to the eyes
Human is a creature of sight, and color is the first thing that our senses notice when they come to a new environment, for example, to a website that they have not visited before. The color scheme you use for your site will immediately impress your visitors, and if they detect jitter, they will bounce. To create an appealing color scheme for your website, you need to consider the principles of color theory in your design process. Choose colors that complement and / or contrast with each other, adjust their hue and saturation, use color psychology.

3. Create a functional layout
If you treat your site visitors as passive observers, you have little chance of converting them into customers. A website is a tool for interaction, its layout will determine whether the interaction is frustrating or enjoyable. When designing a functional layout, there are two things to keep in mind: logical placement of interactive elements and responsiveness. Buttons and links that perform similar functions should be highlighted and grouped together, and they should respond to user input without delay or distraction.

4. Use high quality images
Acquaintance is necessary so that customers are focused on your site, and images are instantly recognizable even to those who do not know how your site works. Use images to showcase your products, provide concise information, and introduce you to the people behind your brand. Provide them in different sizes to fit devices with different screens, and don't forget to add alt text to help the visually impaired.

5. Add style through typography
When you remove images and interactive elements from your site, mostly plain text remains. And you can do a lot with text thanks to the efficient use of typography. Fonts are useful for setting the tone of your content, as well as making text more readable.

6. Use a chatbot greeting
E-commerce sites have many advantages over brick and mortar stores, but one of the main drawbacks: they lack an element of human communication. There is a whole world of difference between reading a greeting header and greeting a store owner in person. However, thanks to chatbot technology, you can now replicate the feeling of communicating with the store owner. Once you've set up your chat greeting, they'll be ready to welcome customers to your site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in addition to providing other useful services like customer support and product suggestions.

7. Highlight trades and shares
The purpose of an e-commerce site is to sell products. And buyers will be more likely to buy if they come across a good deal. So instead of forcing them to browse through extensive product listings to find what they might want, you should highlight your best deals on the home page. Add a dedicated deal section above the folder where you post limited-time offers, flash sales, and discounts on popular products.


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