tor browser

  1. Father

    Tor Browser: Network anonymity, the darknet, and intelligence agencies

    How does the most confidential browser work, does it really guarantee users anonymity, and should it be banned for the sake of fighting cybercrime? Contrary to popular belief, criminal activity accounts for an insignificant proportion of the Tor network. In 2020, researchers from the United...
  2. Brother

    Audit results of Tor Browser and Tor infrastructure components

    Developers of the anonymous Tor network have published the results of an audit of the Tor Browser and the OONI Probe, rdsys, BridgeDB, and Conjure tools developed by the project, which are used for anonymous network connections that are protected from eavesdropping and traffic analysis...
  3. CarderPlanet

    Here's the twist: Microsoft Defender started marking Tor Browser as malware

    Did a secure browser decide to spy on its users? Recently, users of the "most popular desktop OS in the world" began to report that the Microsoft Defender antivirus program, integrated by default in Windows 10 and 11, marks the latest version of the Tor browser as malware "Win32 / Malgent!MTB"...
  4. Ajay9835

    Four Browsers For Anonymous Surfing.

    These browsers are designed to provide the maximum degree of protection while browsing the Internet. All popular browsers collect user information. Based on search queries, pages visited, articles read and videos watched, a digital user dossier is built, which includes personal data, interests...
  5. Carding

    Настраиваем Tor Browser под 100% анонимность по версии WHOER.NET

    Я думаю что ни для кого не секрет что Tor Browser это отличное средство для анонимизации себя в интернете. TOR BROWSER это тот же Forefox, но довольно таки хорошо доработанный... В нем изначально уже многое доработано, а ненужное отпилено. По своей сути это уже настроенный бесплатный браузер на...