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  1. Tomcat

    How to make Cryptoscam! Step-by-step instruction.

    Disclaimer: Do not repeat at home. The article was created to teach you how to quickly recognize crypto scams, knowing how they work from the inside. Douse someone who wants to do CryptoScam... and set it on fire... But seriously, I don’t really like “crypto traders and crypto investors.”...
  2. Tomcat

    Complete guide to scam Europe 2.0

    📀 INTRODUCTION Hello. This manual will be useful for both scam beginners and experienced killer sharks. Many, at some point in their dark career, have problems finding, processing and finishing mammoths. Don't worry, this is temporary and you can fight it by increasing your skill and experience...
  3. Tomcat

    Manual on Dating Scam

    This is not a diagram, this is a manual and experience ! Introductory part. What do we do? We will “ask” for money (and not only) from fairly wealthy (or not so wealthy) men. Of course, after this phrase, your first thought is “a scam to top up your mobile phone, put money on the Internet, go...
  4. Tomcat

    15 types of fraud and how not to fall for them

    The scammers will go to any lengths to get your money. Here are many examples of deception that are easy to believe. But don't do this! 1. A friend asks for a loan What's happening: An acquaintance writes on social networks or instant messengers that he is abroad and has run out of money. He...
  5. Tomcat

    The story of one fraud, or why it is so important to improve financial literacy in the country

    Boys and girls! And also their parents! Today we have a very instructive story waiting for us, so sit down, open the popcorn and get ready for a journey into the fascinating world of investments, fraud, arrogance and madness. This story was sent to me by a subscriber who immediately set a very...
  6. Tomcat

    Fraud schemes. Digest No. 1

    In fact, the only effective way to combat fraudsters that is available to us is information. The more scammers' schemes are heard, the weaker they will work. Our only way is to arm ourselves against different types of scammers. Increase, so to speak, the difficulty of breaking your inner lock...
  7. Tomcat

    10 tricks of scammers that even smart people fall for

    Charlatans play on our weaknesses and skillfully scam us out of money. But this can be resisted. Do you think that only narrow-minded people fall into the clutches of scammers, and you are not in danger? Who would now believe that they won an iPhone or received an inheritance from a rich...
  8. Tomcat

    Don't get hooked: how cyber fraudsters will attack in 2024

    The methods of criminals on the Internet are becoming more sophisticated every year. But in most cases, social engineering still works best. Let's imagine that a passenger is late for a train to St. Petersburg and tries to purchase a ticket 10 minutes before its departure. There is a queue at...
  9. Tomcat


    Hi all! Even if you are an advanced Internet user, no one is immune from becoming a victim of financial fraud. You may not even be aware of the new schemes of scammers on the Internet. In this article, I decided to touch on this serious topic, since every user should be familiar with it. Let's...
  10. Tomcat

    New types of fraud in the automotive industry in 2024

    Today, fake calls from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, from false investigators, or from a grandson allegedly involved in an accident can no longer surprise anyone. The basic schemes of scammers have long been known even to pensioners. However, criminals do not sit idle. Literally...
  11. Tomcat

    Fraudsters on the doorstep: digest of fraudulent schemes for 2024

    Although there are many scams on the Internet, most of them are not that different from each other. The wrapper may be different, but at the core the same essence and purpose remain the same. In this article we analyze the TOP 3 fraudulent schemes for 2024. New fraudulent scheme via Telegram...
  12. Tomcat

    5 Scammer Tricks You Should Know About in 2024

    Calls about suspicious money transfers have been replaced by new schemes. We tell you how to protect yourself from deception. Trick 1. Letters from the “tax office” In this fraud scheme, criminals send letters on behalf of the tax service and ask for an urgent return. They carefully attach to...
  13. Tomcat

    Financial fraud in 2024

    Content: Latest statistics Who becomes the victims? Types of fraudulent activities Deception depending on the scope of financial fraud Fraudulent methods of offline and online deception Other existing fraudulent schemes Protection measures against financial fraudsters You gave secret...
  14. Tomcat

    Top 5 tricks of financial scammers in 2024

    Let's face the obvious: 2024 is a restless time for many. We get nervous, worry, fuss, discuss it with friends. And who benefits from general nervousness? That's right - scammers! In a state of imbalance, it is easier to fool a person and steal money from his bank card. Don't want to get...
  15. Tomcat

    Russians warned of new fraud schemes in 2024

    Despite the enormous work of law enforcement agencies to identify and suppress financial fraud on the territory of the Russian Federation, educational activities and training events, their number has not yet decreased, and swindlers continue to come up with new schemes for taking money from the...
  16. Tomcat

    Popular scam schemes: what new masters of deception have come up with in 2024

    Fraudsters regularly come up with new deception schemes and modernize old ones. “My Finance” has collected the most popular tricks of attackers so that you know which ones you might encounter in 2024. Scheme 1. Cellular operators Under the guise of specialists from well-known telecommunications...
  17. Tomcat

    Fraudsters in 2024: new schemes

    In this article: How the new voice spoofing scheme works What to do to avoid falling for the trick Why else do you need to be on guard? Let's sum it up Artificial intelligence is becoming more insidious. One of the frightening achievements is the ability to reproduce the voice of any person...
  18. Tomcat

    Top 3 popular scams in 2024

    Fraudsters regularly come up with new deception schemes and modernize old ones. According to the Bank of Russia for 2023, attackers managed to carry out 1.17 million successful transactions (33% more than in 2022) and steal 15.8 billion rubles from citizens. As a result, bank customer losses...
  19. Tomcat

    5 main scams with bank cards - carding: how to avoid becoming a victim of carders

    Thefts of money from payment cards have decreased over the past year, but have become more sophisticated. First Deputy Head of the Bank of Russia Main Directorate for the Central Federal District Ilshat Yangirov revealed the five main ways in which fraudsters empty citizens’ cards and told how...
  20. Tomcat

    The booking got cancelled instantly - Need help

    Hello. Are you buying concert or plane tickets? Or are you booking hotels? I don’t quite understand what kind of site you are trying to pay on by card. Please. clarify this point. Different sites have different protection installed, if it doesn’t work on one, then try on another. There is no...