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  1. chushpan

    Tutorial: How to Clone 201 Dumps to EMV Chip 2024

    Physical Clone Creation Guide 2024 For Educational Purposes Only Things Needed: - X2.5 PACKAGE ($150) (This includes JcopEnglish, ARQC_GEN, BPTOOLS (CryptoCalculator), IST USA 2021 PACKAGE, Cardpeek, and Further In-Depth Tutorials) - MSR Device (Under $100) - Omnikey 3021, or 3121 (Under...
  2. chushpan

    Как сделать карту EMV из Javacard?

    Я собираюсь написать апплет Java Card, чтобы преобразовать мою карту в карту, совместимую с EMV. 1. Вопрос в том, как я могу это сделать? Насколько мне известно, существует четыре спецификации EMV, известные как EMV Books, которые содержат принципы карт EMV (характеристики чипа, файловая...
  3. chushpan

    Новый банкомат Barclays поможет победить мошенничество - кардинг

    Новый «антискимминговый» слот для карт Банк на Хай-стрит испытывает банкомат нового типа, пытаясь бороться с мошенничеством в банкоматах. Мошенничество (кардинг) с банкоматами представляет собой растущую угрозу для банков и потребителей, принося мошенникам более 100 миллионов фунтов стерлингов...
  4. chushpan

    Attention! Be carefull. I was partially caught at an ATM with a skimmer.

    Around midnight from 15.02 to 16.02 I wanted to withdraw a little money. I just inserted the card, did not enter the PIN - I suspected something was wrong. I took the card. The next morning (16.02 around 10 am) the card was blocked for hacking attempts - the bank’s security worked poorly. This...
  5. chushpan

    Carding - wiki

    — Bearded joke — Dialogue with the bank’s call center Carding is a highly intelligent go-stop. A technique for taking money from users of painted plastic. An epic hire business on a global scale. In the vastness of “these Internets of yours,” hacking and phishing are rampant hand in hand...
  6. chushpan

    What is a carding forum

    The more technology develops, the more new concepts and terms appear in our everyday life. Some we easily accept and use every day, some become part of professional slang, and some we learn about when troubles happen to us. Phishing, skimming - words that no bank card owner would prefer not to...
  7. chushpan

    Кардинг форум - wiki

    Кардинг-форум — это форум, специализирующийся на торговле украденными данными кредитных карт, а также краже личных данных. Самый известный пример — Tor Carding Forum (TCF). Он был основан на программном обеспечении TOR, которое позволяло анонимно общаться в Интернете. Он был закрыт в 2014 году...
  8. chushpan

    Путеводитель по лучшим кардинг форумам

    Ищете лучшие кардинг форумы? Погрузитесь в наше подробное руководство, в котором рассказывается о, ведущем веб-сайте по кардингу. Откройте для себя лучшие кардинг платформы и узнайте, как добиться успеха в этой области. Введение В мире кардинга найти лучшие форумы по кардингу —...
  9. chushpan

    Verified carding forums – what should they be?

    How to find a trusted carding forum? Carding is a huge shadow sphere in which the fastest, the most secretive and the most informed survive. However, there are no textbooks on it, no one teaches how to become a carder at a university, and no one will give you a link to a wiki on carding. The...
  10. chushpan

    Modern carding: is there an “antidote”

    Recently, the so-called carding - theft from bank plastic cards - has been very popular among computer scammers. Such criminals are well armed with knowledge and have in their arsenal a number of special technical means that allow them to steal information from bank cards. There are many known...
  11. chushpan

    Portrait of the negative inhabitants of the carding forum

    Woodpeckers Woodpeckers are hammering. This is their main essence. They are busy. They're hammering. They have no time to stop and think that maybe they are doing something wrong. In the process of chiseling, they lose their sense of common sense, that is, they do not understand that chiseling...
  12. chushpan

    Cash out CC Europe (Manual)

    Instructions for cashing out CC Europe We will work on the website:! MetaQuotes Language 5 (MQL5) is a built-in programming language for trading strategies, developed by MetaQuotes Software Corp. based on its many years of experience in creating trade and information platforms. This...
  13. chushpan

    Article about CC+SSH/SOCKS5 for beginners

    I will write about such a seemingly trifle, but in fact a very important thing for a beginner, like time optimization when combining SSH/SOCKS5+CC. I don’t use RDPs yet. I don’t like to depend on someone (sellers can be offline), so my choice, in view of price and independence, fell on: 1...
  14. chushpan

    Актуальные ссылки на кардинг форумы "MazaFaka" и "Verified"

    Форум "Мазафака", он же "Маза" доступен по ссылкам: http://uwovoq3luqdzqkuy5ynjl3lxh2gqbib2ceb77kcbr47ww4oyqyiahuid.onion http://maza.i2p Стоимость регистрации: 1000$ Форум "Верифайд", он же "Вериф" доступен по ссылкам: http://verified3vr2kdbnza6c3e5ak4z5xmtti4hx36dfg3kbi6pwekztvsqd.onion...
  15. chushpan

    Find 3D secure & 2D website 2024

    Today, I will talk about the difference between a 3D SECURE website and a 2D website as well as how to spot them. WHAT IS 3D SECURE: It is a protocol designed for extra security layer online when using credit and debit cards. Most websites which use 3D protocol will show the following logo at...
  16. chushpan

    EMV Tutorial: How To Encode A Blank Card 2024

    Required Equipment: 1. Omnikey (for writing the chip data on the card) 2. Magnetic Stripe Card Reader (I recommend the Msr605x) 3. Computer/Laptop 4. Blank card (J2a040 and Unfused) ^^ All the equipment listed above can be found online, like at Amazon for example. ^^ 5. Track data. Which...
  17. chushpan

    2D Cardable hosting sites 2024
  18. chushpan

    Cardable NON-VBV Sites 2024
  19. chushpan

    Non-VBV Cardable Gift Cards Sites

    Beginners, Don’t waste your time on G2A. These sites are 2d secure: offgamers .com
  20. chushpan

    Руководство по кардингу для новичков

    Кардинг: Кардинг: онлайн, в магазине, поиск поставщиков и советов, фишинг для смены платежных адресов, включая дропы, и что вам нужно знать; Огромное руководство, написанное мной. после внесения основных обновлений в это руководство по кардингу, оно будет охватывать основы большинства знаний по...