How To Disappear


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Maybe you're paranoid. Maybe you're a fugitive. But not matter what you are, this guide was written by me for the people who really need to get under the radar and live off the grid. This guide is going to be extremely simplified mainly because I'm lazy, but mostly because I don't really want to give away everything I've ever learned about how to stay hidden--wouldn't help me much then eh? As compensation for that however, I'm always open to helping anyone who would like to learn more providing it's within my power to do. So, without further ado over it, here it is: the overly simplified guide to disappearing.

Before you can even think about it, ask yourself this: how long do you want to disappear? Is this a lifetime commitment, or do you just need some alone time? I will be focusing more on people who have a real reason to disappear completely for long periods of time or even permanently, but the information here should be useful for anyone with the exception of one extreme that I love: pseudocide, more commonly known as "faking your own death" Seems extreme? Yes it is. But often times, it can save your life and make running easier--especially if you're a fugitive looking to avoid detection. Obviously, since there will never be a body, this option will eventually be uncovered, but when done right, it can help you cover your tracks for years before hard evidence will ever be produced that you're still alive. To make it last, pseudocide often accompanies extreme identity alteration like plastic surgery, etc. Faking your death in the digital age has become both (oddly enough) easier and harder at the same time. Easier, because with programs like DeathSwitch, you can now make your demise seem much more real. Harder, because new forensic and investigation techniques simply are so cutting edge it's amazing what can be done. Many of you have probably heard about the recent terrorist bombing on Times Square in the US. Investigators working on this case have already been able to trace where parts of the bomb were bought by using just one nail as evidence. It's amazing what can be done. Foiling these techniques almost always fails, so the idea is to leave as little forensic evidence as possible, while making a convincing death. Someone, somewhere, will almost always doubt it's truthfulness, but the idea is to keep most people from looking too hard. Earlier I mentioned DeathSwitch. This is an excellent place to start. Buy and account for $20 and write letters that you want to go out to people of your choosing the day of your demise. DeathSwitch will require to verify that you're still living by signing in every so often. If you don't sign in after a certain amount of time, DeathSwitch releases this digital will to whoever you choose. Nifty eh? It won't convince any lawyers or police, but it's a start. Just so long as people know you set it up so they don't think it's a prank....Once this program has told everyone you're dead, things change considerably. The law is no longer looking for a living fugitive, but rather looking for a body, last known locations, and (if you simulated a murder or kidnapping) suspects involved. In short, something as simple as a $20 program can muddy the waters to the point of giving even a highly wanted target some leeway to play. I won't go in to all the little subtleties of pseudocide here, but you might want to read International Fugitive for more info on it. It's a bit dated (not much) but there's some good info.

After you die (hopefully not for real...) you now need to make sure that some joker at the local 7-11 doesn't recognize you and tell everyone "Joe ain't really dead!". For starters, get the proper documents. Even if you look like someone, unless you have their documents, no one could ever prove you're really that person. Depending on where you are in the world will change a lot of what kind of docs you can use. In the US a driver's license is a must. If you're planning on living in the US for any amount of time, a SSN and birth cert are also huge musts. If you can't get these, you can always forge a residency card and citizenship papers. A passport is always needed too, if for no other reason than if you need to get out of the country fast! If you really want to disappear, altering your physical appearance would be a good idea. Change hair color no matter what. It's as easy as putting on a gel these days to dye your hair so there's no excuse why you shouldn't do that. If you can wear contacts you might try getting some to change your eye color. I could never do this because I just can't wear contacts, but it's a good idea if you can put them on. A new hairstyle that you normally wouldn't have had is also good. If you have curly hair, you might consider straightening it. As a general rule, guys have a slightly easier appearance to change than girls. No joke. Guys tend to able to blend a little better because of the generic clothing and hairstyles that are worn these days. Girls with long hair should get it cut and vice versa. If you have the money and the will power to do it, consider plastic surgery. Nothing dramatic, just enough to change your looks a little. Now, this is no joke, but women need to make their appearance as generic as possible. Flashy, form fitting clothes are out. Women should wear men's clothing whenever possible, and try to stay away from things that accentuate their curves.

I know this is very incomplete, and hopefully I will be able to ad more installments in the future, but in the mean time, this will have to do.


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Way easier:

disappear to a deprived ecconomic country, latin america, middle east, africa..... many of these countries have officials which can be bribed and don't care much about documentation, with relaxed borders which can be crossed without questions... might just need a little cash or something.... some are free.... I've been to a few countries where you can just walk right across the border without anyone checking any ID.... Warrior Souljah

Use underground transportation... boats & train hopping..... methods where you don't need to produce ID.... train hopping crew changes can be acquired from local gutterpunks and anarchists on the streets of your favorite city..... watch out for police... if you have a good story you can get by without an ID... Ahaha... go live in a community which is off the grid for real, grow your own food and shit....

Love & Light....


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Way easier:

disappear to a deprived ecconomic country, latin america, middle east, africa..... many of these countries have officials which can be bribed and don't care much about documentation, with relaxed borders which can be crossed without questions... might just need a little cash or something.... some are free.... I've been to a few countries where you can just walk right across the border without anyone checking any ID.... Warrior Souljah

Use underground transportation... boats & train hopping..... methods where you don't need to produce ID.... train hopping crew changes can be acquired from local gutterpunks and anarchists on the streets of your favorite city..... watch out for police... if you have a good story you can get by without an ID... Ahaha... go live in a community which is off the grid for real, grow your own food and shit....

Love & Light....

Haha growing own food and shit, lol now thats too much work.


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i think there is some doc call guide to new identity or something of this )
anyone know where to find it ? ))
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Well Written, Definitley a good start! If you want to permanently disappear I recommend not staying in US though, it is the hardest for sure