Recent content by Father

  1. Father

    What does the company's warehouse for shipping purchases from the United States look like?

    Hello everyone My name is Carder, and I don't like to pay too much. Surely many people have heard about companies that send parcels, through which you can order things from American online stores. This spring, I managed to visit the warehouse of one of these companies, and today I will tell you...
  2. Father

    Github removed the list of 5925 online stores with JS skimmers installed

    Online skimming is a relatively new form of bank card fraud. The essence is clear from the name. If a regular skimmer is an overlay on an ATM card reader that makes a magnetic stripe dump, then an online skimmer is a software bookmark on the online store's server that passively intercepts...
  3. Father

    Target Compromise: latest data

    A few weeks ago, it became known about a large-scale compromise of customers of the American retail corporation Target. Attackers managed to install malicious code on computers that are connected to payment terminals (POS, Point Of Sale) for purchases using credit cards. As a result of a...
  4. Father

    25% of carders in the US are FBI informants

    The English Guardian recently published an interesting study, which revealed a curious fact — as it turned out, in the United States, one out of four computer technology specialists is an FBI informant. The Bureau of Investigation and the Secret Service used the most effective means — the...
  5. Father

    Bulgarian carder arrested in Philippines for withdrawing money from Bill Gates card

    A few days ago, the Philippine authorities detained Bulgarian carder Konstantin Kavrakov, who is now accused of committing a number of cybercrimes. Part of the charges is withdrawing money from ATMs using fake credit cards. When withdrawing money from such a card, funds were withdrawn from the...
  6. Father

    Darknet sells zero-day vulnerability exploit in iOS for 2.5 million euros

    Online Database Monitoring Company I found out that the darknet sells an exploit of a new zero-day vulnerability for iOS and macOS devices. It is based on the vulnerability CVE-2022-32893, which the company fixed the other day. However, the researchers claim that the exploit is intended...
  7. Father

    Briefly about the darknet. Why it should not be considered something bad.

    Hacking is a sad reality for businesses and ordinary users. Often leaked data is sold by attackers of all stripes: hackers, carders, phishers, etc. And this is done through the Dark Web (darknet). Therefore, many people perceive it as something unambiguously bad and harmful, although this is not...
  8. Father

    The researcher made backups of dozens of darknet stores and carding forums freely available

    Independent Internet researcher Gwern Branven posted on his website a comprehensive archive of data from the so-called "darknet" trading platforms, which he carefully collected since 2013. The amount of data is about 50 GB in the archive (and more than 1.6 TB in unpacked form). Among them are...
  9. Father

    71% of users support the absurd idea of closing the darknet

    Hidden network, darknet-for an ordinary person, this sounds scary. The media constantly talk about the darknet in connection with criminal activities, the sale of drugs and weapons, the work of hired killers and the organization of terrorist attacks. It is not surprising that the idea that the...
  10. Father

    Former Microsoft software engineer sentenced to seven years in prison for trying to hire a hitman on the darknet

    Former Microsoft software engineer Christopher Pence was sentenced to seven years in prison for trying to hire a hitman for the parents of his adopted children. For this, he paid $16 thousand to unknown people on the darknet. The FBI arrested Pence in the fall of 2021 at his home in Cedar...
  11. Father

    Data Market on the darknet: how to buy other people's data and not lose your own

    For 3 years in a row, Privacy Affairs has published a study of the darknet information services market on its website. The first study was a review and was published in 2020. In 2021, 2022 and 2023, the company's specialists analyzed the price dynamics for those services that are constantly...
  12. Father

    Malware wholesale and retail: What's new in the darknet markets

    The darknet is a favorite place for cybercriminals who want to find like-minded people, share their experience, and sell or purchase new technologies to carry out their attacks. Stolen logins and passwords from user accounts and almost any malware — from botnets to IoT viruses-can easily be...
  13. Father

    How to catch criminals in the Deep Web

    Cryptographic technologies of network anonymity and online payments allowed criminals to create a black market where they sell and buy drugs, stolen and counterfeit goods, and not only that. In response, the police and other law enforcement agencies are improving their technology, moving their...
  14. Father

    How we bring bad news to our customers from the Darknet

    You've probably heard that TOR is packed with police officers and FBI agents. At the same time, they say that only their own people are allowed on Serious carder forums, and security guards have nothing to catch on the darknet. There is some truth in both, but what is it? Is there any benefit...
  15. Father

    Why carding forums continue to live

    The Internet is an ideal platform for disputes. But there is a big difference in how to argue. Or it's an emotional squabble, where the interlocutors jump at each other like roosters and try to peck more painfully. Or a measured discussion that lasts for weeks, where the interlocutors agree on...